The Origins of VirtueDiscusses the origins of the human instincts for trust, cooperation, and helping others and how those instincts have been reconciled with the natural selection tendency toward self-interest. |
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CHAPTER Two The Division of Labour | 35 |
CHAPTER THREE The Prisoners Dilemma | 51 |
CHAPTER FOUR Telling Hawks from Doves | 67 |
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The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation Matt Ridley Limited preview - 1998 |
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Adam alliances altruism animals anthropologists ants argued Axelrod axes baboons bats bees behaviour benefit better Big Kiku biologists biology birds bonnet macaques brain cells cent chimpanzees chimps chromosomes coalitions colony common cooperation cultural defect division of labour dolphins ecological economics economist eggs emotions evolution evolved exchange favour female fish food sharing forest game theory generosity genetic gift group selection groupishness Hadza Hawkes Hobbes human nature human society hunter-gatherers hunters hunting Hutterites idea individuals instinct killed Kropotkin live London Luit male mammoth meat monkeys moral naked mole rat Nash equilibrium neighbours nice Nikkie Oxford play prisoner's dilemma queen rational reason reciprocal altruism reciprocity reward Robert Trivers Rousseau segregation distorters self-interest selfish gene selfless sexual Smith social spears species strategy termites territory things thrive Tit-for-tat trade trees tribal tribe Trivers trust University Press virtue women workers Yanomamo Yeroen Yir Yoront