The Official Railway Guide: North American Freight Service EditionNational Railway Publication Company, 1909 - Railroads |
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Albany AMAM AMPM Asst Atlantic Auditor Boston & Maine Branch Broadway Buffalo Car and Coach Chambers Street Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Connections Coupon stations Creek daily Dayton Detroit Dining Car Division East Eastern Erie R.R. Freight Agent Grand Trunk Gulf Hudson River Includes trackage rights Island Junc Junction Lake Erie Lake Shore leave passengers Lehigh Valley Line Louis Louisville Manager Mass miles not included Montreal Navigation Niagara Falls Night North Northern Parlor Car Passenger Agent Philadelphia Pittsburgh PM PM PM PMAM PMPM points Port Portland Pullman Quebec R.R. Map RAILROAD RAILWAY River R.R. Route Santa Saturday Secretary Sleeping Car South Southern R.R. Steamers Steamship stops to leave Street Sunday Superintendent Supt take passengers Toledo Toronto Traffic Trains Treas Treasurer Valley R.R. Vice-President Wabash West Western R.R.