The Defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest: An Account of the Military History and Archaeology of the African Provinces in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries, Parts 1-2 |
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The Defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest: An ... Denys Pringle No preview available - 2001 |
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Afrique Algérie Ammaedara Arab arch archéologique ashlar Atlas Alg Atlas Tun Aurès BACTH bastions Belisarius Bibliography blocks Bordj bucellarii building built Byzacium Byzantine Africa Byzantine enceinte Byzantine fortifications Cagnat Calama Carthage cavalry comitatenses command Constantine construction Corippus Courtois curtain wall defences Desanges Diehl Durliat Duval east emperor enceinte enclosing entrance evidence exarch excavated Février flanked foederati forts fouilles garrison gate gateway Gelimer George of Cyprus Goodchild Gsell Guide Bleu Inscr inscription Iust John John Troglitas Justinian Ksar late Roman Lepcis Magna Limisa limitanei Mactaris magister militum masonry Mauritania military Monceaux Moorish Moors Notes Numidia Paris Plate Poinssot postern prefect probably Proconsularis Procopius province rectangular towers reused Sabratha Sitifis sixth century Solomon stone Sufetula suggests Thamugadi Thelepte Theueste thick Thugga Tigisi Tipasa Tissot town wall transl Tripolitania troops Tunisie Vandal