British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4J. Whitaker, 1985 |
Scarry Richard What Do People Do All Day? R4 96 Col ill 2BCD bds 2 95 | 5585 |
Scenes from the Life of a Faun Schmidt | 5593 |
Introduction to His Operas Grout M8 168 25 75 | 5600 |
IIA S A Proceedings Ed Buzacott suR8 256 41ill | 5605 |
Scalapino Robert A Yu George T Chinese Anarchist Movement M8 vi 81 n | 5614 |
Schaefer Charles E OConnor Kevin J Handbook of Play Therapy SC4 506 | 5616 |
Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra Butts M8 286 III pbk 7 95 ECCO P | 5620 |
Schaffer Rudolph Mothering SC8 128 Developing Child S pbk 2 50 Fontana | 5622 |
Proceedings | 6147 |
Schaefer William D James Thomson B V Beyond City IC8 xvii 208 34 75 | 6173 |
Scandinavia BaedekerAutomobile Association ID8 300 Col ill bds 6 95 | 6180 |
Scandinavian Northlands Mead C4 48 15ill 8figs Problem Regions of Europe | 6181 |
Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review Larsson IC8 200 2ch | 6190 |
Sayers Jane E Canute and Edward the Confessor C4 48 III d M | 6197 |
Scarlet Slipper Mystery Keene sC8 160 4CDE n e pbk 0 95 Armada Bks 2 | 6199 |
Sayers Jane E Papal Government and England During the Pontificate of Honorius | 6214 |
Schaefer Charles E etc Ed Family Therapy Techniques for Problem Behaviours | 5631 |
Proceedings 1975 | 5633 |
Scary Richard Tinker and Tanker Storybook 10 x 10 110 Col ill 2r e | 5638 |
Scarry Richard Work and Play Book sD8 12 Col ill 1A bds 1 50 Collins 9 | 5645 |
Scarlatti Inheritance Ludlum | 5653 |
Scamy Huck on Wheels Scarry D4 32 Colill 3 50 Collins 10 80 0 00 138248 9 | 5656 |
Scars Upon My Heart Womens Poetry and Verse of the First World War | 5663 |
Sayers Dorothy L Unnatural Death | 5664 |
Schaffers Peter Royal Hunt of the Sun Notes on IC8 58 Study Aid S lp 0 60 | 5665 |
ne 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 5 | 5668 |
Questions and Challenges D8 248 | 5672 |
Saxton LE Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids IM8 898 III Chem | 5675 |
Schaffner Fenton Ed See Progress in Liver Diseases | 5676 |
Schaefer George Graber Edward Alex Ed Complications in Obstetric | 5678 |
Schaffner Nicholas 505 Rock and Roll Questions D8 | 5696 |
Scenes in the Life of a Bow Street Runner Richmond C4 266 7ill n e | 5704 |
n e pbk 1 95 Panther 8 | 5708 |
A Review of Chemical Literature | 5711 |
Scenes of Childhood and Other Stories WarnerSylvia Townsend D8 176 6 95 | 5713 |
n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 11 | 5716 |
Scarles Christopher Copyright IC8 40 Authors Publishers Gdes pbk 3 25 | 5725 |
Schambra William A Ed See Goldwin Robert A Schambra William A Ed | 5729 |
Scale Model Aircraft in Plastic Card Woodman D8 160 135ill pbk 2 95 Model | 5747 |
Schamis G J War and Terrorism in International Affairs M8 pbk 2 75 | 5752 |
Scale Model Aircraft in Wood Woodason D8 64 III pbk 1 75 Gresham | 5756 |
Scandinavian Archaeology Shetleig | 5758 |
Scale Model Traction Engine Building Featuring Minnie Mason Leonard Charlish | 5763 |
Schaefer George etc Protocols for Obstetric Procedures M8 256 pbk 20 00 | 5765 |
Scenes of Clerical Life Eliot | 5772 |
Schaefer Gerhard Ed See Kelly P Schaefer Gerhard Ed | 5775 |
Theory of Reminding | 5778 |
Scenic ConventionsGreek in the Fifth Century BC Arnott M8 xii 147 n e 16 95 | 5784 |
Saxton Judith Pride | 5788 |
Saxton Lloyd Individual Marriage and the Family M6 560 4r e 12 05 | 5794 |
Scannell Vernon Ed Your Attention Please D8 24 pbk 0 75 Hesperus | 5803 |
Scenic Photography Art of Grill Scanlon sD4 144 III some col 10 95 | 5805 |
Scase Richard Readings in the Swedish Class Structure D8 328 3ill lp 9 00 | 5810 |
Scannell Vernon etc Catch the Light SD8 48 4 50 Oxf UP 11 | 5813 |
Saxton R G Fundamental Organic Reactions D8 pbk 6 50 Mercian Pubns | 5820 |
Teme Valley Experiment 1973 Dunn | 5832 |
Schank Roger Carl Reisbeck C K Inside Computer Understanding M8 400 | 5835 |
Scat Pest Proofing Your Garden Harley D8 32 III pbk 1 00 Garden Way Pub | 5837 |
Saxton R G See Green JC SaxtonR | 5845 |
New Windmill S 2 25 Heinemann Educ 58 | 5850 |
Scarlet and Purple Watson Sydney | 5857 |
Scale Models Art of Making Puiboube | 5859 |
Scarlet Cloak Plaidy IC8 336 4 50 Hale 7 | 5867 |
AND Mavericks Ed A Pepper C8 96 abr e Alpha Bks | 5868 |
Scale Models in Engineering Fundamentals and Applications Schuring | 5876 |
Schaefer Jack Old Ramon C8 96 II n e New Windmill S 1 60 Heinemann | 5882 |
Say Allen Bicycle Man 9 x 9 40 Col ill 16 65 Houghton Mifflin 7 | 5883 |
Scale Transport Costs and Location Economics of Norman D8 224 20 25 | 5888 |
Say JeanBaptiste Treatise on Political Economy or the Production Distribution | 5896 |
Scatchard G Equilibrium in Solutions AND Surface and Colloid Chemistry | 5903 |
Schapera Isaac Tswana | 5910 |
Atlas of Corneal Pathology Ed Polack R8 580 III | 5917 |
Schaefer Jack Shane | 5928 |
Schapera Isaac Ed See Livingstone David Family Letters 184156 | 5932 |
G Electrical Engineers Reference Book D8 1378 I 13r e 47 50 | 5936 |
Scaleup of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes Ed Schmidtke Smith | 5943 |
Scenic South Africa Morris Jean IR6 150 Col ill 8 05 Juta 8 | 5946 |
Scandinavian Biography Dictionary of See Dictionary of Scandinavian Biography | 5955 |
Scandinavian Cook Book Culinary Arts Institute IČ4 96 III some col pbk 2 95 | 5969 |
Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin Haliday D8 cxxvii300 7M n i of 1884e 10 00 | 5983 |
The Development of ab Initio Methods | 5989 |
G Taylor E O Direct Current Machines M8 412 237ill | 5990 |
Scanning Electron Microscopy Atlas of Cells and Tissues Fujita M8 338 322ill | 5992 |
Heinemann Educ | 5996 |
Say T Account of the Crustacea of the United States D8 142 | 5998 |
ne pbk 1 95 Penguin 2 | 6003 |
Oldtime Negro Preaching Pipes M8 210 n e of 1951e | 6005 |
A Guide to Practical Use Staabs | 6008 |
Sayers Dorothy L etc Crime on the Coast AND No Flowers by Request | 6023 |
Scent Hounds Hunting with Stetson D8 How to Raise Train S pbk 1 75 | 6024 |
Scandinavian Knitwear Starmore | 6025 |
6 95 Weidenfeld N 9 | 6030 |
Sayers Isabelle Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bills Wild West D4 89 | 6033 |
Quantum Electronics Principles and Practice | 6034 |
Sayers Jane E At the Time of Geoffrey Chaucer M6 64 III | 6040 |
Introduction to Their History Haugen D8 507 III | 6042 |
A Survey Including ScandinavianAmerican | 6048 |
Scarlet Coat Serial DayDavid M8 120 pbk 4 50 Press Porcepic Canada 5 | 6052 |
Say is This the USA? White Margaret Bourke Caldwell Erskine M8 182 III | 6071 |
Scarborough Remember 1914 Mould obR8 48 56ill 2M pbk 0 50 Hendon | 6073 |
Scandals Leason sC8 444 pbk 2 50 Arrow Bks 6 | 6084 |
A Bible Play Henderson W J D8 23 pbk 0 35 Moorleys Bible | 6091 |
Scanered Seed Mosco | 6106 |
Scarborough Revisited Through Photographs Child D8 42 82ill pbk 1 80 | 6109 |
A Short History Horton M8 180 III mus exs facsim e 14 95 | 6113 |
A Christmas Cantata Coombes | 6119 |
Schaeffer Edith Lifelines C8 pbk 4 50 Hodder 9 | 6217 |
Scarlett James D Tartans of Scotland suR 12 40 70col ill pbk 0 95 Lutt P 5 | 6219 |
A History | 6238 |
Sayers Jane E Bill E G W Ed Calendar of the Papers of Charles Thomas | 6250 |
n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 1 | 6258 |
A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship Grafton | 6284 |
Sayers R S Bank of England 18911944 3v M8 1120 90 00 Camb U P 9 | 6285 |
Restoration and Maintenance Manual IM8 272 | 6286 |
Scaligero Guilio Cesare Guidizi Critici e Criteri Estetici nei Poetics Libri Septem | 6301 |
Schall Lawrence D Haley Charles W Introduction to Financial Management | 6318 |
Scaling A Sourcebook for Behavioural Scientists Ed Maranell | 6324 |
Scatening of Light Kerker M8 666 79 00 Academic P 69 | 6325 |
Sayers R S Central Banking After Bagehot M8 149 n e 27 50 Greenwood Press | 6339 |
Kings and Vikings Sawyer | 6342 |
Scandinavian Social Democracy Today Timashkova | 6345 |
Scandinavia Budget Ed Fodor | 6348 |
Pub U S 9 | 6370 |
Scandinavia Design from Ed BjerregaardKirsten See Editor entry | 6386 |
Sayers Rod Using Electricity IM6 16 III d set of 5 copies pbk 6 25 Addison | 6387 |
Scent of Mimosa Shannon | 6390 |
pbk 20 40 | 6409 |
Suterng Processes Quantum Theory of Farina | 6415 |
Scent of Rowan Darby IC8 208 7 95 Hale 7 | 6422 |
Pubns 8 | 6433 |
Scattering Quantum Theory of Introduction to the Rodberg Thaler M8 398 | 6434 |
Scarman Lord Protection of Human Rights in the United States D8 pbk 0 75 | 6441 |
Say it in Tahitian Tryon sC8 63 1M pbk 2 00 Pacific Pubns | 6451 |
Missionary and Mandarin Brinkworth Pott8 16 pbk 0 40 Catholic | 6456 |
Scarman Lord Women and Equality Before the Law suR6 16 Inaug Lect | 6457 |
A Study of Wild Life in India SR8 370 | 6462 |
Sayers Dorothy L Brabazon D8 288 I 10 95 Gollancz 4 | 6463 |
Scandinavian Themes in English Poetry 17601800 Omberg M8 192 pbk 7 50 | 6479 |
Ecology and Behaviour | 6484 |
Civil Disorder and Civil Liberties D8 46 | 6505 |
Surenng Theory Integral Equation Methods in Colton Kress IM8 286 III Pure | 6514 |
Suming Electron Microscopy of Human Reproduction Hafez IM8 246 I | 6522 |
Scaling Introduction to Ven IM8 314 III 18 25 Wiley 9 | 6525 |
Wild Sheep and Goats of the Himalaya | 6527 |
Scamming Nature Ed Claugher | 6528 |
American Revolutionary Adventurer Alden M8 232 27 55 | 6536 |
Survey of Trends and Themes in Urban Social Research | 6542 |
Scantlebury R Ed Strategies for Integrated Communications D4 275 70ill | 6550 |
Scandium Yttrium Lanthanium and Lanthanide Oxides Siekierski IC4 514 Solubility | 6556 |
Scanzoni John H See ScanzoniLetha Scanzoni John | 6567 |
Scalisi P Cook D Classic Mineral Localities of the World | 6577 |
Scent of Water Goudge M8 472 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large | 6581 |
Print Bks 4 | 6650 |
Scarry Richard Busy Town Popup Book IM8 16 Col ill 2ABC 3 95 Collins | 6655 |
From Peasants to Revolutionaries | 6660 |
Scalops and the Diver Fisherman HardyDavid D8 144 36ill 9 75 Fishing News | 6663 |
Siarad Griffiths D4 96 bds 1 85 Gomer P 1179 | 6672 |
Scandura Joseph M Scandura Alice B Structural Learning and Concrete | 6679 |
Sayings of Chairman Johnson JohnsonSamuel Ed KirbyE E suR32 16 2ill | 6680 |
Scally Kevin How to Wake Sleeping Beauty Imp8 32 Col ill Piccolo Bks | 6682 |
Scania Gibbins C4 112 154ill 6 95 Motor Racing 10 | 6694 |
Schaeffer Francis A Death in the City C8 128 Pocketbk S pbk 2 25 Inter | 6695 |
Say Not the Struggle Essays in Honour of A D Gorwala Ed Patel D8 340 1ill | 6709 |
Scally Kevin True Story of Red Riding Hood Imp8 32 Col ill Piccolo Bks | 6715 |
Scapegoat Maurier See Author entry | 6732 |
Scarecrows The Westall | 6749 |
ne pbk 1 95 Marshall M S 11 | 6763 |
Schaeffer Susan Fromberg Madness of a Seduced Woman | 6798 |
Seminar Report Stead D4 15 | 6802 |
Schaeffer Wendell Gordon See Worcester Donald Emmett Schaeffer Wendell | 6814 |
Schaeppi U Neurologic Examination of Beagle Dogs in Toxicology Tests D4 12 | 6822 |
Schaller Michael United States and China in the Twentieth Century D8 208 | 6826 |
A Philosophical Enquiry Richards Janet Radcliffe | 6853 |
Large Print e 8 95 GK Hall 12 | 6860 |
Scarface Paine C8 160 4 95 Hale 10 | 6867 |
Sceptical Sociology Carroll D8 216 12 95 Routledge 8 | 6875 |
Jayaprakesh Narayan | 6882 |
God and Scepticism Penelhum M8 xiii 186 | 6903 |
Sayings of Diogenes the Cynic Diogenes | 6907 |
Scarpitti Frank R Ed See Datesman Susan K Scarpitti Frank R Ed | 6914 |
Scapens R W etc Case Studies in Current Cost Accounting D8 155 pbk 8 50 | 6915 |
Scarfe Gerald Gerald Scarfe M4 168 205ill 15col Le 75 00 Thames | 6925 |
n i pbk 1 95 New Eng Lib 12 | 6929 |
Scarfe Herbert Cutting and Setting Stones 8 x 8 96 77ill 2col 7 50 Batsford | 6931 |
Sayings of Foxglove Joe Barraclough obD32 32 pbk 0 30 Asgill P 6 | 6949 |
Sayings of the Century Ed Rees Nigel D8 278 24ill 8 95 Allen | 6958 |
Scapping LG etc Ed Scientific Foundations of Respiratory Medicine 10½ x | 6964 |
Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza History of Popkin | 6967 |
Surering Theory Inverse Problem of Agranovich Marchenko M8 300 III | 6970 |
Scarab The Creed D8 224 7 95 Secker W 10 | 6987 |
Scarr J R Present Day Spanish | 6991 |
Sayings Traditions in the Apocryphon of James Cameron D8 160 pbk 12 60 | 7002 |
Scargill Arthur etc Debate on Workers Control D8 11 pbk 0 30 Inst | 7006 |
Surering Theory Lectures in Sitenko D8 280 21ill Mon in Nat Philos 23 00 | 7007 |
Schaert Carlo See Carlton David Schaerf Carlo | 7010 |
Opphavsrett | |