Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances: To which is Prefixed an Historical Introduction on the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England

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Page 187 - And thou were the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrad horse. And thou were the truest lover of a sinful man that ever loved woman. And thou were the kindest man that ever struck with sword.
Page 3 - Full term: Monday to Friday: 9.30 am to 7 pm Saturday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm Vacation: Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5 pm Saturday closed. The Library is closed for approx.
Page 187 - And thou was the meekest man and the gentlest that ever ate in hall among ladies, and thou were the sternest knight to thy mortal foe that ever put spear in the rest.
Page 475 - Than here, I thee say, " In an hundred thousand year ; "Though all the world, far and near, " Were mine at my liking : "I am an angel ; thou art king !" ' With these words he disappeared ; and Robert, returning to the hall, received, not without some surprise and confusion, the usual salutations of the courtiers. ' From this period he continued, during three years, to reign with so much justice and wisdom that his subjects had no cause to regret the change of their sovereign ; after which, being...
Page 234 - He then despatched his page to Felice with the gold ring which he had received from her at parting, and adjured her to come and give directions for his burial. She arrived ; found him dying ; received his last breath ; and, having survived him only fifteen days, was buried in the same grave.
Page 8 - DCL 2 vols. SIX OLD ENGLISH CHRONICLES : viz., Asser's Life of Alfred and the Chronicles of Ethelwerd, Gildas, Nennius, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and Richard of Cirencester.
Page 477 - ... children three Out of the fire were fled: There they sat, under a thorn, Bare and naked as they were born, Brought out of their bed. A woful man then was he, When he saw them all naked be. The lady said, all so blive, ' For nothing, sir, be ye adrad.' He did off his surcote of pallade', And with it clad his wife.
Page 88 - he said, " old quean 1 My mother shall no man quell, { For no thing that man may tell, While that I may stand or gon ! Maugre hem every one I shall save her life for this. That thou shalt hear and see, ywis.
Page 16 - Thus began stories of adventures with giants and dragons, and witches and enchanters, and all the monstrous extravagances of wild imagination, unguided by judgment and uncorrected by art.
Page 13 - This was the most splendid sera of their history, and seems to have comprehended the latter part of the twelfth and perhaps the whole of the thirteenth century. After that time, from the general progress of instruction, the number of readers began to increase; and the metrical romances were insensibly supplanted by romances in prose, whose monotony neither required nor could derive much assistance from the art of declamation. The visits of the minstrels had been only periodical, and generally confined...

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