The Potato Treasure of the Andes: From Agriculture to CultureChristine Graves |
Common terms and phrases
Africa agricultural Aimara altitudes America Ampay ancient Andean region areas Arracacha Asia Atahualpa ayllus Aymará Bolivia Cabieses Carchi Carlos Ochoa century chaki takllas chicha Chile chuño climate coca colored cooking crop crop's culture Cusco developing countries disease diversity Ecuador farmers Fernando Cabieses food security genebank genetic global grown grows Guaman Poma hectare highland plain Huancayo Huatya Curi human hunger imilla important Inca Inca Empire India International Potato Center Island José de Aymará Kikuyu Lake Titicaca land late blight Lima maca maize Mantaro Valley Mother Earth mountain native potatoes nutritious Pachamama pachamanca Peru Peru's Peruvian pests plant Poma de Ayala potato fields potato harvest potato production potato varieties producers Puka Quechua rice ritual roots and tubers sacks Sawyer scientists seed potatoes soil Solanum Spanish species suytu Swaminathan traditional tropical tuberosum tubers Vavilov village wild potato Yacón Yana yields Yuraq Zandstra