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vention, published fince thefe fheets were fent to the prefs, may be found, upon due trial, to answer the intentions better than mine, which I have used more than twenty years, much to my fatisfaction; and which alfo has been used and approved by many of my ingenious Brethren; making alterations and improvements as they faw occafion.-I cannot find that Monf. Petit ever invented any machine for thefe very purposes; but upon this fubject may be read Monf. La Faye's Mem. in vol. 2. and Monf. Belloy's in vol. 3. of the Mem. de l'Acad. Roy. de Chirurgie.Their machines are indeed very complex, though fimplicity of conftruction is a great excellence, and fhou'd be ftudied as much as poffible


[blocks in formation]

Fig. 1. The inferior pièce, for a limb of common fize, requires to be 22 inches long; from the hollow of the ham to that at the heel 13 inches, and about nine broad at the calf.

2. The fuperior piece fhou'd be about a foot long, and half as broad at the top.


The fole piece may be 10 or 12 inches long, broad at the top 4 , at the bottom 3.

4. The turnikits and wire paffing thro them, ufed in ftraitening the circular ligatures. The turnikits fhou'd be about two inches and a half long, resembling a perukemaker's pipes.

5. The feveral pieces which compose the cafe fhewn upon the limb.

Leather straps and buckles may be used to fupport the fole-piece instead of fillets. The loops for the fillets to pass through are beft made with large brass wire.


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