| Sir Richard Steele, Joseph Addison - English essays - 1714 - 382 pages
...himfclf, I had been flain by thofe bafe Hands. Although my Lord Bruce, weltring in his Blood, and paft all Expectation of Life, conformable to all his former Carriage, which was undoubtedly noble, cry'd our, Rafcal! hold thy Hand. So may I profper as 1 have dealt iincerely with you in this Relation;... | |
 | Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - English essays - 1734 - 382 pages
...flain by thofe bafe Hands : Although my Lord Bruce, weltering in his Blood, and pail all Expedition of Life, conformable to all his former Carriage, which was undoubtedly noble, cry 'd out, Rafcal! bold thy Hand. So may I profper as I have dealt fincerely with you in this Relation... | |
 | 1785 - 772 pages
...bten flainbythofe haie hands; although my Lord Biuce, weltering in his Mood, and paft all expeñation of life, conformable to all his former carriage, which was undoubtedly noble, cried out, ' RafcaH hold thy hand.' So may I profpcr as I have dealt fmcerely with you in this relation; which... | |
 | 1797 - 550 pages
...himfelf, I had been flain by thofe bale hands : although my lord Bruce, weltering in his blood, and paft all expectation of life, conformable to all his former carriage, which was undoubtedly noble, cried out " Rafcal ! hold thy hand." So may I profper as I have dealt fmcerely with you in this relation ; which... | |
 | 1804 - 490 pages
...and worthy, as I protest I could not find in my heart to offer him any more violence, only keeping him down until at length his surgeon afar off cried...undoubtedly noble, cried out " Rascal! hold thy hand." So may I prosper as I have dealt sincerely with you in this relation ; which I pray you, with the inclosed... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - English essays - 1807 - 372 pages
...blood, I lost my sight, and withal as I then thought, my life also. But strong water and • Levelling. his diligence quickly recovered me, when I escaped...undoubtedly noble, cried out " Rascal ! hold thy hand." So may I prosper as I have dealt sincerely with you in this relation ; which I pray you, with the inclosed... | |
 | Military art and science - 1809 - 336 pages
...my sword interposed, I had been slain by those base hands : although my lord Bruce, weltering in hit blood, and past all expectation of life, conformable...undoubtedly noble) cried out, ' Rascal, hold thy hand!' " So may I prosper,^ as I have dealt sincerely with you in the relation, which I pray you with this... | |
 | English essays - 1810 - 340 pages
...and worthy, as I protest I could not find in my heart to offer him any more violence, only keeping him down until at length his surgeon afar off, cried...undoubtedly noble, cried out, " Rascal ! hold thy hand." So may I prosper as I have dealt sincerely with you in this relation ; which I pray you, with the inclosed... | |
 | James Ferguson - English essays - 1819 - 296 pages
...interposed himself, I had been slain by those base hands; although my Lord Bruce, weltering in hia blood, and past all expectation of life, conformable...undoubtedly noble, cried out ' Rascal! hold thy hand.' So may I prosper as I have dealt sincerely with you in this relation; which I pray you, with the inclosed... | |
 | Peace - 1821 - 388 pages
...not stopped." Whereupon I asked if he desired his surgeon should come, t Levelliii?. 242 1821.] 243 which he accepted of; and so being drawn away I never...undoubtedly noble, cried out, " Rascal ! hold thy hand." So may I prosper as I have dealt sincerely with you in this relation, which I pray you, with the inclosed... | |
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