BILLIONS LOST Only Millions FoundLIMITED EDITION: Retelling of famous lost treasures, both sought and recovered. |
About the author (2010)
Who is Author Jovan Hutton Pulitzer?You have seen Jovan Hutton Pulitzer on PBS, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC or your local news channel or even featured on the History Channel's #1 Top Rated TV Series "Curse of Oak Island". Pulitzer is one of the world's most sought out sources on lost history and lost treasures. Pulitzer is both a forensic researcher and a forensic historian. His research work can be found at and his personal website is JovanHuttonPulitzer.orgPulitzer is a professional Board Member, Intellectual Property Collaborator and Advisor to Companies: Creator of "Scan Commerce" and "Scan to Connect" "MPOC Mobile Point of Care Testing" and "Haptic Mapping" platforms and patents. University Guest Speaker, Author of 200 History Books, History Channel A&E Personality, PBS Host, Former Weekly Reporter for Middle East TV for Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. Lifelong Learner and Education Advocate.As the world's foremost lost history expedition and terrestrial treasure recovery team leader (Commander) Pulitzer plans and manages missions all around the globe. As an Inventor, Pulitzer is globally one of the foremost Inventors in modern times, recognized as one of the "Top 50 Inventors in the World", and as an Author, he has published over 200 individual History and Treasure Hunting titles. Pulitzer utilizes highly trained and certified individuals, using archaeological methods combined with forensic historical research and modern technology, set out to either prove or disprove, dispel or recover, set the historical record straight or professionally document, the various types of caches, common treasures or otherwise, that have been lost to history and mankind. You can find all of Pulitzer's body of work by simple searching the following hashtags on Google: #JovanHuttonPulitzer #HuttonPulitzer #HistoryHeretic #TechMooc #InvestigatingHistory #CurseofOakIsland
Who is Author Jovan Hutton Pulitzer?You have seen Jovan Hutton Pulitzer on PBS, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC or your local news channel or even featured on the History Channel's #1 Top Rated TV Series "Curse of Oak Island". Pulitzer is one of the world's most sought out sources on lost history and lost treasures. Pulitzer is both a forensic researcher and a forensic historian. His research work can be found at and his personal website is JovanHuttonPulitzer.orgPulitzer is a professional Board Member, Intellectual Property Collaborator and Advisor to Companies: Creator of "Scan Commerce" and "Scan to Connect" "MPOC Mobile Point of Care Testing" and "Haptic Mapping" platforms and patents. University Guest Speaker, Author of 200 History Books, History Channel A&E Personality, PBS Host, Former Weekly Reporter for Middle East TV for Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. Lifelong Learner and Education Advocate.As the world's foremost lost history expedition and terrestrial treasure recovery team leader (Commander) Pulitzer plans and manages missions all around the globe. As an Inventor, Pulitzer is globally one of the foremost Inventors in modern times, recognized as one of the "Top 50 Inventors in the World", and as an Author, he has published over 200 individual History and Treasure Hunting titles. Pulitzer utilizes highly trained and certified individuals, using archaeological methods combined with forensic historical research and modern technology, set out to either prove or disprove, dispel or recover, set the historical record straight or professionally document, the various types of caches, common treasures or otherwise, that have been lost to history and mankind. You can find all of Pulitzer's body of work by simple searching the following hashtags on Google: #JovanHuttonPulitzer #HuttonPulitzer #HistoryHeretic #TechMooc #InvestigatingHistory #CurseofOakIsland
Who is Author Jovan Hutton Pulitzer?You have seen Jovan Hutton Pulitzer on PBS, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC or your local news channel or even featured on the History Channel's #1 Top Rated TV Series "Curse of Oak Island". Pulitzer is one of the world's most sought out sources on lost history and lost treasures. Pulitzer is both a forensic researcher and a forensic historian. His research work can be found at and his personal website is JovanHuttonPulitzer.orgPulitzer is a professional Board Member, Intellectual Property Collaborator and Advisor to Companies: Creator of "Scan Commerce" and "Scan to Connect" "MPOC Mobile Point of Care Testing" and "Haptic Mapping" platforms and patents. University Guest Speaker, Author of 200 History Books, History Channel A&E Personality, PBS Host, Former Weekly Reporter for Middle East TV for Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. Lifelong Learner and Education Advocate.As the world's foremost lost history expedition and terrestrial treasure recovery team leader (Commander) Pulitzer plans and manages missions all around the globe. As an Inventor, Pulitzer is globally one of the foremost Inventors in modern times, recognized as one of the "Top 50 Inventors in the World", and as an Author, he has published over 200 individual History and Treasure Hunting titles. Pulitzer utilizes highly trained and certified individuals, using archaeological methods combined with forensic historical research and modern technology, set out to either prove or disprove, dispel or recover, set the historical record straight or professionally document, the various types of caches, common treasures or otherwise, that have been lost to history and mankind. You can find all of Pulitzer's body of work by simple searching the following hashtags on Google: #JovanHuttonPulitzer #HuttonPulitzer #HistoryHeretic #TechMooc #InvestigatingHistory #CurseofOakIsland
Who is Author Jovan Hutton Pulitzer?You have seen Jovan Hutton Pulitzer on PBS, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC or your local news channel or even featured on the History Channel's #1 Top Rated TV Series "Curse of Oak Island". Pulitzer is one of the world's most sought out sources on lost history and lost treasures. Pulitzer is both a forensic researcher and a forensic historian. His research work can be found at and his personal website is JovanHuttonPulitzer.orgPulitzer is a professional Board Member, Intellectual Property Collaborator and Advisor to Companies: Creator of "Scan Commerce" and "Scan to Connect" "MPOC Mobile Point of Care Testing" and "Haptic Mapping" platforms and patents. University Guest Speaker, Author of 200 History Books, History Channel A&E Personality, PBS Host, Former Weekly Reporter for Middle East TV for Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. Lifelong Learner and Education Advocate.As the world's foremost lost history expedition and terrestrial treasure recovery team leader (Commander) Pulitzer plans and manages missions all around the globe. As an Inventor, Pulitzer is globally one of the foremost Inventors in modern times, recognized as one of the "Top 50 Inventors in the World", and as an Author, he has published over 200 individual History and Treasure Hunting titles. Pulitzer utilizes highly trained and certified individuals, using archaeological methods combined with forensic historical research and modern technology, set out to either prove or disprove, dispel or recover, set the historical record straight or professionally document, the various types of caches, common treasures or otherwise, that have been lost to history and mankind. You can find all of Pulitzer's body of work by simple searching the following hashtags on Google: #JovanHuttonPulitzer #HuttonPulitzer #HistoryHeretic #TechMooc #InvestigatingHistory #CurseofOakIsland
Bibliographic information
Title | BILLIONS LOST Only Millions Found |
Authors | J. Hutton Pulitzer, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Jovan Pulitzer, Hutton Pulitzer |
Edition | illustrated |
Publisher | National Treasure Society - Cacheology Society of America, 2010 |
ISBN | 0982848803, 9780982848807 |
Length | 320 pages |
Subjects | › History / World Literary Criticism / General |
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Export Citation | BiBTeX EndNote RefMan |