Dinka Christianity: The Origins and Development of Christianity Among the Dinka of Sudan with Special Reference to the Songs of Dinka Christians |
Acknowledgements | 16 |
Introduction to the Dinka | 23 |
The Evolution of Dinka Religious Vocabulary | 29 |
Copyright | |
23 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
African Agar Akot ancestral Anglican Arabic baai Bahr el Ghazal baptised bɛny bith Bishop bith Bor Dinka boys Catholic chief Christ church Ciec CMSA CMSA G3 Comboni composed compositions Condominium Daniel Comboni Daniel Deng death Denka Deŋ Dinka Christians Dinka language Dinkaland Diocese Divinity elders European evangelism evangelist evil faith Garang GMSM Gondokoro Gwynne Hadow Holy indigenous interview Islam Jesus jɔk Khartoum kɔc Kwajok land Lienhardt Lord Malek Malou Malual Matong mission missionaries Nebel nhial Nhialic Nigrizia Nilotic Northern Nuer pastors piir piny pinynhom prayer priests raan religion religious rɔt Rumbek rural Dinka sacrifice Salim Sharland Shaw Shaw's Shilluk Shukry slaves songs Sorur Southern Sudan spiritual SPLA station Sudanese tion Toniolo & Hill traditional Uganda Upper Nile vernacular Verona Verona Fathers White Nile worship wrote Yambio Yecu yɛɛ young