Lunar SettlementsHaym Benaroya Bringing together some of the most recognized and influential researchers and scientists in various space-related disciplines, Lunar Settlements addresses the many issues that surround the permanent human return to the Moon. Numerous international contributors offer their insights into how certain technological, physiological, and psychological challenges must be met to make permanent lunar settlements possible. The book first looks to the past, covering the Apollo and Saturn legacies. In addition, former astronaut and U.S. Senator Harrison H. Schmitt discusses how to maintain deep space exploration and settlement. The book then discusses economic aspects, such as funding for lunar commerce, managing human resources, and commercial transportation logistics. After examining how cultural elements will fit into habitat design, the text explores the physiological, psychological, and ethical impact of living on a lunar settlement. It also describes the planning/technical requirements of lunar habitation, the design of both manned and modular lunar bases, and the protection of lunar habitats against meteoroids. Focusing on lunar soil mechanics, the book concludes with discussions on lunar concrete, terraforming, and using greenhouses for agricultural purposes. Drawing from the lunar experiences of the six Apollo landing missions to the many American and Soviet robotic missions to current space activities and research, this volume summarizes the problems, prospects, and practicality of enduring lunar settlements. It reflects the key disciplines, including engineering, physics, architecture, psychology, biology, and anthropology, that will play significant roles in establishing these settlements. |
3 | |
9 | |
19 | |
Planning Activities 19611965 | 33 |
Preserving and Transferring the Apollo Legaacy to a New Generation | 55 |
Chapter 6 Working in Space | 63 |
Lunar Development | 73 |
Toward Economically Sustainable Development | 75 |
Planning and Analogues | 319 |
Beyond the Pioneering Stage | 321 |
Chapter 26 Assessment of Lunar Exploration Objectives | 325 |
Chapter 27 A SelfSufficient MoonBase Analogue | 355 |
Chapter 28 Terrestrial Analogs Selection Considerations for Planetary Surface Facility Planning and Operations | 375 |
Chapter 29 Surface Infrastructure Planning and Design Considerations for Future Lunar and Mars Habitation | 387 |
Chapter 30 Settlement Site Selection and Exploration through Hierarchical Roving | 401 |
Chapter 31 Integrated Lunar Transportation System | 415 |
Some Preliminary Thoughts1 | 87 |
Chapter 9 Lunar Commercial Logistics Transportation | 101 |
Concepts for Initial Robotic Lunar Resource Development | 129 |
Chapter 11 Solar Cell Fabrication on the Moon from Lunar Resources | 143 |
Outer Space Habitat Design | 153 |
Chpater 12 Multidisciplinary Approach for User Reliability | 155 |
Physical and Cultural Adaptation in Outer Space | 165 |
Color and Light for Well Being in Outer Space | 175 |
Art as a Psychological Support for the Outer Space Habitat | 197 |
Natural Elements as a WellBeing Stimuli in Outer Space | 215 |
Multidisciplinary Approach for User WellBeing | 225 |
The Human Condition | 231 |
Chapter 18 An Analysis of the Interface between Lunar Habitat Conditions and an Acclimatized Human Physiology as Defined by the Digital Astrona... | 233 |
Chapter 19 Mental Health Implications of Working in a Lunar Settlement | 241 |
The Strongest and the Weakest Joint in the Chain | 247 |
Designing for Psychological WellBeing for Long Duration Stays on Moon and Mars | 261 |
Chapter 22 IndoorAir Quality Implications of 222RN from Lunar Regolith | 277 |
Protected Antipode Circle at the Center of the Farside of the Moon for th Benefit of All Humankind | 291 |
Chapter 24 Developing the Moon with Ethics and Reality | 305 |
Lunar Bases | 431 |
Chapter 32 Lunar Base Site Preparation | 433 |
Present Status1 | 451 |
Design Concept for the First Manned Lunar Base | 493 |
Chapter 35 Design and Construction of a Modular Lunar Base | 509 |
Chapter 36 Advanced Systems Concept for Autonomous Construction and SelfRepair of Lunar Surface ISRU Structures | 519 |
Chapter 37 A ReliabilityBased Design Concept for Lunar Habitats | 533 |
Chapter 38 Cratering and Blowing Soil by Rocket Engines during Lunar Landings | 551 |
Chapter 39 Lunar Habitats Protection Against Meteoroid Impact Damage | 577 |
Chapter 40 Deployment of Greenhouse for LongTerm Lunar Base | 593 |
Lunar Soil Mechanics | 615 |
Chapter 41 A Constitutive Model for Lunar Soil | 617 |
Chapter 42 Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Lunar Soil Simulants | 637 |
Chapter 43 Tension of Terrestrial Excavation Mechanics to Lunar Soil | 649 |
Chapter 44 Lunar Concrete1 | 667 |
Chapter 45 SiliconUtilizing Organisms May Be Used in Future Terraforming of the Moon | 679 |
Appendix | 693 |
Back cover | 785 |