Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence: 5th International Workshop, MoChArt 2008, Patras, Greece, July 21, 2008, Revised Selected and Invited PapersDoron A. Peled, M.J. Wooldridge This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence, MOCHART 2008, held in Patras, Greece, in July 2008 as a satellite event of ECAI 2008, the 18th biannual European conference on Artificial Intelligence. The 9 revised full workshop papers presented together with 2 invited lectures have gone through two rounds of reviewing and improvement and were carefully selected for inclusion in the book. The workshop covers all ideas, research, experiments and tools that relate to both MC and AI fields. |
Verifying Time and Communication Costs of RuleBased Reasoners | 1 |
Solving muCalculus Parity Games by Symbolic Planning | 15 |
Verifying Robocup Teams | 34 |
Scaling Search with Pattern Databases | 49 |
Survey on Directed Model Checking | 65 |
Automated Testing of Planning Models | 90 |
Towards Partial Order Reduction for Model Checking Temporal Epistemic Logic | 106 |
Model Checking Driven Heuristic Search for Correct Programs | 122 |
Experimental Evaluation of a Planning Language Suitable for Formal Verification | 132 |
A New Method to Generate Heuristic Functions | 147 |
Model Checking Strategic Equilibria | 166 |
Author Index | 189 |
Common terms and phrases
abstract path abstract state space abstraction refinement acc-pair action profile agent Aml model analysis ANMLite Artificial Intelligence atomic proposition automata bucket checker coalition Computer constraints cost counterexample data-flow analysis defined Definition denote diam(G diamond directed model checking distributed drill Edelkamp edge encoding epistemic epistemic logic Erlang error example execution explicit-state exploration external-memory formula global goal Heidelberg Heidelberg 2007 heuristic functions heuristic search HLCP model hybrid logic implementation initial language LCRB LNCS LTLK_x McErlang memory MOCHART modality model checking algorithm multi-agent systems Nash equilibrium nodes operation optimal parameter Pareto optimal parity games partial order reduction Peled player predicates properties reachability RoboCup runtime scheduling soccer server solution concepts solving specification SPIN Spin Model Checker Springer strategic game strategy successor symbolic pattern databases temporal logic timeline transition transition relation uplink UPPAAL variables verification WVar