The Trouble with ChristmasIn The Trouble with Christmas Tom Flynn challenges America's most popular sacred cow. Alternately outrageous, satirical, and thoughtful, this rollicking critique calls Christmas to account. How many holiday traditions are authentically Christian? (Next to none.). Does the contemporary Christmas holiday have ancient roots? (Hardly. It was largely invented by six eminent Victorians.). Is the Santa Claus myth unhealthy for children? (Yes, Virginia.). Are Christmas critics discriminated against? (Is "Scrooge" an insult?). What is the future of Christmas as America becomes a multicultural, multifaith society? (Educators should start sweating now.). The Trouble with Christmas is not only for curmudgeons, but for citizens, parents, teachers, and freethinkers of every stripe. Anyone curious about the origins and future of one of the Western world's most celebrated holidays will find something of interest in this provocative book. |
Humbug Indeed | 9 |
A Feast of Trouble | 15 |
Confessions of an AntiClaus | 25 |
Copyright | |
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Common terms and phrases
adults American Jews ancient atheist belief in Santa believe Berchta Bethlehem birth Catholic celebrate Christmas century Chanukah child Christ Christmas Carol Christmas Day Christmas morning Christmas New York Christmas observance Christmas traditions Christmas tree church claim Coffin contemporary Christmas culture customs December 25 Dickens DWAMQS England ethnic faith father feast festival figure of Santa Free Inquiry freethought gifts Golby and Purdue Grinch groups Halloween Herod Ibid infidels Irving James Harwood Barnett Jesus Jewish Jews and infidels Joseph keep Christmas kids Krythe legend live Luke Madalyn Murray O'Hair mainstream Matthew menorah minority Mithraism multicultural Muslims Nast National non-Christian nonreligious Old Outsiders outgroups pagan parents Paul Kurtz percent popular pre-Christian public schools Puritans reindeer religious holidays Roman Saint Nicholas Santa Claus myth Santa myth Scrooge secular humanist social society Stevens story symbols Thomas Nast trouble with Christmas Washington Irving Williamsville winter solstice Woden Yule log