Annual Report of the State Entomologist of Indiana, Issue 8The State, 1916 - Bee culture The majority of each report consists of articles dealing with insects, plant diseases, etc. in relation to the plant-life of Indiana. |
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50 gallons Adult female anal lobes anal opening anal plates anal ring antennae apex apiary apical apple arsenate of lead Aspidiotus beekeepers black rot body Bordeaux Bordeaux mixture brown Brown Rot Bull canker certificate of inspection Chionaspis chitinous thickenings Chrysomphalus circular circumgenital gland openings Cocc Coccidae Coccus color Comst convex derm pores disease distinctly dorsal gland openings Douglass elongate Entomologist exuviae Fernald Fourth Rpt fumigation fungus gallons water gland spines greenhouse groups hairs Hatch Exp horticultural incisions Indiana Indianapolis infested injury inner margins insects Kermes larvæ Lecanium length lime-sulphur solution lobule median lobes moth notched nursery stock orchard oval pairs peach pest plum plum curculio pounds Pseudococcus Pulvinaria PYGIDIUM OF FEMALE rows San Jose scale scale insects SCALE OF FEMALE SCALE OF MALE Scurfy scale second lobes segment setae shipment soap species spiracular spines spray calendar SUMMER SPRAY third lobes trees ventral scale yellow
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Page 58 - agent" shall be construed as applying to any person selling nursery stock under the partial or full control of a nurseryman, or of a dealer or other agent. This term shall also apply to any person engaged with a nurseryman, dealer or agent in handling nursery stock on a cooperative basis.
Page 50 - The State Entomologist shall devote his entire time to the discharge of the duties of his office. He shall co-operate with any local horticultural society or individual in the State in any...
Page 2 - Received by the Governor, examined and referred to the Auditor of State for verification of the financial statement. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF STATE, INDIANAPOLIS, December 22, 1905.
Page 2 - Returned by the Auditor of State, with above certificate, and transmitted to Secretary of State for publication, upon the order of the Board of Commissioners of Public Printing and Binding. BB JOHNSON, Secretary to the Governor. Filed in the office...
Page 67 - Agriculture and the duly authorized inspector or other officer of the state, territory or district, to which the nursery stock is to be reshipped...
Page 183 - The quicklime is weighed out according to the amount needed, immediately placed in the trough and slaked with a small quantity of water. The whole is evenly spread and covered as a putty with water to exclude the air. This putty may be removed in calculated portions, placed in a tub and treated like the freshly slaked lime. By means of stock solution of copper sulfate and the lime in putty state, much valuable time is saved in filling...
Page 53 - State from one point to another shall be labeled on the outside with the name of the consignor, the name of the consignee, and a certificate signed by a State or government inspector, showing that the contents have been examined by him and that to the best of his knowledge and belief such stock is free from San Jose Scale, or other destructive insects or fungus enemies.
Page 65 - For the purpose of preventing the spread of contagious diseases among fruit and fruit trees, and for the prevention, treatment, cure and extirpation of fruit pests and diseases of fruit and fruit trees, and for the disinfection of grafts, scions...
Page 52 - ... stock, who is a resident of this State, shall ship or deliver any such goods, he shall send on each package so shipped or delivered a written or printed certificate stating that such stock has been examined by a State or Government entomologist and, found, to the best of his knowledge and belief, to be free from San Jose scale or other destructively injurious insects or fungus enemies.
Page 70 - State where the shipment is received, treatment to eradicate, or the separation of the infested or diseased plants or trees, is in most cases permissible; otherwise all plants or trees of the kind found to be infested or diseased are held in quarantine and are shipped from the State or destroyed at the owner's option. Copies of quarantine orders furnished upon application. AW Merrill, State Entomologist, Phoenix, Arizona.