Works of the Camden SocietyCamden Society, 1880 - Great Britain |
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Common terms and phrases
amongst army assemblie belieue Burnet busines CAMD Castle Citty command conceaue Consall Couenant Councell Counsall cume dayes declared desire desyre doueth doune DUKE OF HAMILTON EARL OF LANERICK England expected faithfull fitt France freinds frome generall giue giuen GRACE Grace's humblest greatt HAMILTON TO CHARLES hath haue haue beine hauing heath heere heire Highnes honor hoope humble ingaged intend June June 24 King King's kingdome kingdome of Scotland knoe LAUDERDALE lett letter litle London Lops Lord MARQUIS OF HAMILTON Matie Matte Matti MORAY neuer nixt oune Parliament Parliament of England party plesed Prince receaue resolued Scotland Scots sent seruant seruice shuch SIR ROBERT MURRAY SOUERAN sume thatt themselues ther therfor thing thinke thoes thoght toune tyme uhatt uhich uill uith uoold urytt wold yett
Popular passages
Page 166 - I have negotiated with some eminent persons formerly of the adverse party laith so good success that I doubt not but upon the first [entrance b] of your army in England the greatest part of Lancashire, Cheshire, and North Wales will declare for the King, and that the principall places of • Sic.
Page 142 - ... which may occasion a breach between the two nations, but I think that the event may produce a prejudice of another nature. I am sure the king shall get nothing by it. He debated with me the strange boldness of a declaration that hath been made among you that the army knew nothing of his coming. I only argued a difference between knowing a thing and hearing tell of it, when it was not believed.
Page 166 - King will have attempted his escape (not that hazardous way you may probably have heard of, because it was knowne to some of your correspondents heir) but by the assistance of some nowe about him (and as he writs) with great probability of succes ; but till ye heere the successe you may please keep it private."1 The addressee's name is left blank.
Page 177 - Independent designe. and they are now as much terrified from •Wales ; for Langhornes force and the Governor's of Pembroke hath seized upon the Commissioners and committed them prisoners, taken Fleming's canon, killed divers of his men, seized Denbigh Castle and victualed it, declareing for Prince of Wales, and generallie all Wales' affection will suddenly move that way, Nor is it conceaved a busines of litle weight to reduce the forces in Wales, for they increase each weeke. If your armie doe not...
Page 128 - Her Captain, upon his arrival, "delivered some packets from the Prince of Orange to His Majesty, and hath treated with the French Embassadour, and the Earle of Dumfarlinge, Sir James Hamilton, Vantrumpe, and Mr. Murrey, and other Agents at...
Page 182 - Butler, now 40,000 in armes, and resolved to oppose all forces by what authority soever sent without the King's or the Prince's that...
Page 84 - ... army, and kingdom. Giue me leaue humbly to say that a present rencounter is to be shunned, for, whilst they ar in this madnes, I know not what the euent of a battle may proue. Sure I am by all proballitie they will not be able to continue longe together in soe great a bodie. All that is to be feared is that they may pass by your army, and so gett betwixt Newcastle and you, by which means they may cutt of your victuals; but yf your Matle be well strengthened with foot, and they disposed on passes,...
Page 94 - I haue made a schift for sume fourtie quhiche I sall put in to him to morrow befor my parting ; quhat more beis done be them your Grace sall best know be my self, but treulie I haue not muche reason to exspect muche qhen I consider in quhat disposicione this people continowes. They haue resolved that sume few of thos ware named in my Lord Loudanes warrand sall only cum to Berick upon Manday (for they will not trust so many at one tym).
Page 83 - ... made in the late pretended Generall Assemblie. Resolued they ar to force your Matle to a battle, being confident that they ar much stronger in infantry, which hath made me to propose whether you may not make use of 2 regiments that ar with me. With the £ I shalbe able to make almost...