Staffing the Learning Society: Recommendations for Federal Legislation, a Report to the President and the CongressNational Advisory Council on Education Professions Development, 1975 - 98 lappuses The Education Professions Development Act (EPDA) expires June 30, 1975. In anticipation of Congressional hearings, the National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development has prepared recommendations about the future of EPDA. While conventional thinking about education limits participants to the years between kindergarten and grad school, it is increasingly clear that American educational institutions include a vast non conventional segment. By whatever name--continuing education, recurrent education, or lifelong learning--the educative demands of our society are almost unlimited. What is lacking is a coherent public policy that points a way to doing a better job of serving this population. The Education Professions Development Act (EPDA), if extended, should be revised to reflect these changing societal demands. |