Geoffr. suite ii. 11. Krock. n. 231. P. major. P. vulgaris. Dale 214. Plantago. Alst. ii. 199. Lew. ii. 231; disp. by Dunc. 219. Vog. 75. 179. 242. P. latifolia sinuata. Chom. 583; suppl. 165. Plantain. Blizard, account from in med. rev. i. 331. Lind hot chim. 313. Ware ophth. 178. Plantane. Graing. 84. Percival ii. 377, and in Mease 164. 2. PLANTAGO incana. Leaves pubescent, elliptic, and ovali-elliptic. Spike cylindric. Scapus terete. One and 2 seeds in each cell. Obs. 504. Near Worcester, on ma:`. P. media. L. suec. n. 130; sp. 163. Bot. arrang. 143. Curt. lond. iv. 14. t. 252. Walc. t. Smith brit. 183. Pollich n. 160. Scop. carn. n. 162. Fl. dan. t. 581. P. latifolia incana. Tourn. paris. 223. Vaill. paris. 160. Boerh. ii. 100. Calyx quadripartite. Corolla infundibuliform; segments patent and horizontal. Obs. 504. Native of Europe on calcareous soils as Hudson observes, rarely on gritstone. Linnæus says on clay and Ray on gravel. PLANTAGO media. Geoffr. suite ii. 14. Spielm. 389. P. incana. Dale 214. Plantago. Pharm. austriaco-prov. 57. Lew. disp. by Dunc. 345. P. latifolia incana. Chom. 583. a ovalifolia. Leaves ovali-elliptic. Obs. 504. P. incana. Raii hist. 877. Ger. by Johns. 419, repr. from P. media. Dod. 107, which cop. in P. major hirsuta, media a nonnullis cognominata. B ellipticifolia. (Variation.) Leaves elliptic. Obs. 8029. Specimen from Withering. P. minor. Fuchs. 38. c. 11, cop. in P. major hirsuta, media a nonnullis cognominata. 3. PLANTAGO lanceolata. Leaves lanceolate. Spike at first elliptico-ovate, at length cylindric. Keel of the phylla ciliate at the end. Scapus angular. Obs. 99. In a field.-L. suec. n. 131; sp. 164. Curt. lond. ii. 10. t. Walc. t. Bot. arrang. 143. Fl. dan. t. 437. Smith brit. 184; engl. t. 507. Fuchs. 39. c. 11, cop. in Bauh. J. iii. 505, & P. minor Dodonaei. Dalech. 1255. P. minor longa. Dalech. 1255. P. lanceolata. Trag. 225, cop. from P. minor. Brunsf. i. 23. Dod. 107, repr. in P. quinquenervia, sive Lanceola. Lob. ic. i. 305, cop. in P. angustifolia sive quinquenervia major. Park. theatr. 496, and repr. in P. quinquenervia. Ger. by Johns. 422. Raii hist. 877; syn. 314. P. angustifolia major. Tourn. paris. 223. Vaill. paris. 160. Boerh. ii. 100. Scapus sometimes 2 feet long. Obs. 2470. In a field.-2 feet long. Obs. 8032. In a garden. PLANTAGO lanceolata. Dale 214. Herm. 416. Krock. n. 234. Mill. Jos. 351. P. minor. Geoffr. suite ii. 15. Lew. ii. 232. Spielm. 389. P. major angustifolia. Rutty 398. P. angustifolia. journ. vi. 276. Noef, account from in phys. P. angustifolia major. Chom. 583. Native of Europe from Italy to Sweden. 4. PLANTAGO coronopus. Leaves dentato-pinnatifid. Scapus terete. Obs. 8037. Below Great Malvern Worcestershire, and half way up Malvern Hill.-Huds. 64, cop. in Smith brit. 185; engl. t. 892. Bot. arrang. 145. Fl. dan. t. 272. P. foliis laciniatis, Coronopus dicta. 315. Coronopus Matthioli. Dalech. 669. Raii syn. Tourn. paris. 329. Vaill. paris. 42. Boerh. ii. 101. Coronopus. Fuchs. 439. c. 171, abr. in Trag. 99, which repr. in Cord. fol. 137. p. 2, & cop. in Coronopus, sive Cornu cervinum vulgo, spica plantaginis. Bauh. J. iii. 509. Herba stella, sive Cornu cervinum. Dod. 109, repr. in Cornu cervinum. Lob. ic. i. 437, and Ger. by Johns. 427, and cop. in Coronopus vulgaris, sive Cornu cervinum. Park. theatr. 502. Raii hist. 879. Native of Europe from Italy to Sweden. CORONOPUS. Dale 214. Mill. Jos. 152. Buckshorn Plantain. Clegh. 24. 2. With a stem. Bracteae and 5. PLANTAGO Psyllium. Stem branched, herbaceous. Leaves lanceolato-linear. phylla cuneiform. Obs. 8038. Specimen ga thered between Ostend and Paris, probably in Champagne.-L. sp. 167. Hort. kew. i. 154. Host. 78. Scop. carn. n. 165. Roth germ. i. 62. Krock. n. 240. P. caule ramoso, foliis dentatis, spicis nudis. L. ups. 28. (The synonym and place of growth be long to P. indica.) In the description as also in that of the species n. 2, for flores destituti read flores distincti. Psyllium majus erectum latifolium annuum. Boerh. ii. 101. Psyllium majus erectum. Bauh. J. iii. 513. No fig.-Tourn. paris. 353. Vaill. paris. 165. Psyllium alterum. Dalech. 1173, imit. from Psyllium. Fuchs. 843. c. 341. Trag. 167. Dalech. 1172. Dod. 115, repr. in Pulicaris herba. Lob. ic. i. 436, & Psyllium, sive Pulicaris herba. & abr. in Psyllium vulgare. 881; europ. 209. Ger. by Johns. 587, Park. theatr. 278. Raii hist. Native of Europe, from Italy to Paris and Berlin. 6, PLANTAGO squarrosa. Stems herbaceous branched diffuse decumbent. Leaves linear, entire at the margin. Heads squarrose, Murr. in L. a Murr, 156. Hort. kew. i. 154. P. aegyptiaca. Jacq, rar. i. t. 28; coll. i. 45. Kali aegyptiacum, foliis valde longis hirsutis. Raii hist. 1915. SODA. Murr. iv. 286. 7. PLANTAGO Cynops. Stem branched, suffruticose. Leaves subulate. Bracteae and phylla oval. Obs. 1663. In the Edinburgh garden.-L. sp. 167. Hort. kew. i. 154. Psyllium majus supinum angustifolium et perenne. Boerh. ii. 101. Psyllium majus supinum. hist. 882; europ. 209. Psyllium plinianum forte, Bauh. J. iii. 513. Raii In Italy and about Mont Lob. obs. 239, repr. in radice perenni supinum. Psyllium sempervirens Lobelii. Ger, by Johns. 587, & cop. in Psyllium vulgare. Park. theatr. 279, (the name and description belonging to P. Psyllium,) & Psyllium sempervirens. Hist. ox. iii. 262. s. 8. t. 17. f. 1. Psyllium majus sempervirens. Park. theatr. 277. No fig. Native of Italy and the south of France. PSYLLIUM perenne. Geoffr. suite ii. 99. Psyllium. Berg. 71, |