The Art of Successful Teaching: A Blend of Content & Context |
17 | |
19 | |
24 | |
29 | |
33 | |
36 | |
The Demand for Excellence | 42 |
A StraightAs Curriculum for Success | 47 |
What They Must Know | 138 |
What It Takes | 143 |
Leadership Purpose | 148 |
For Band Directors Only | 153 |
For Band Directors Only | 155 |
Special Thoughts for Your Band | 157 |
Be Responsible for the Greatest Show on Earth | 161 |
Negotiation and Education A Question of Balance | 165 |
Job or Mission? | 50 |
Fact not Fiction | 54 |
Press On | 60 |
The Real Key to Successful Motivation | 66 |
To Discipline or Not to Discipline? That Is the Question | 69 |
Daring to Look at the Whole Responsibility | 72 |
The Proof Is in the Pudding | 76 |
The Essence of What Makes a Special Event Special | 80 |
Its All in Your Attitude | 83 |
Its All in Your Attitude | 85 |
Getting Serious about Being Positive | 86 |
Achieving Success | 89 |
Its All in Your Attitudeand Theirs Creating Winners | 94 |
Dealing with Feelings of Insecurity | 98 |
Argue for Your Limitations and You Get To Own Them | 102 |
The Key to Motivation | 107 |
The Price of Success | 112 |
A Matter of Attitude | 117 |
Student Leadership | 121 |
A Lifetime Study | 123 |
You Cant Go It Alone Cmon Student Leaders | 126 |
Seven Myths about Leadership | 131 |
About this Thing Called Leadership | 136 |
Playing Rests | 169 |
Band Directing May Be Hazardous To Your Health | 172 |
Success Products for Band Directors | 178 |
Bounce Back with the Basketball Band | 181 |
The Most Important Audience | 185 |
Why Do We Do It? | 188 |
Just One More For the Road | 191 |
The Proverbial Summer Vacation | 196 |
Benefits Beyond Revenue via Fund Raising ThankYous | 202 |
Thoughts About Competition | 205 |
Thoughts about Competition | 207 |
Lets Band Together | 208 |
The Value Of Risking | 211 |
Creating Winners | 214 |
A Matter of Context and Choice | 218 |
How To Separate Winning From 1st Place | 221 |
Six Steps to Better Competition Scores | 224 |
A Posture of Success | 228 |
Its Up to You | 232 |
The True Value of Competition | 236 |
About the Author | 239 |
Common terms and phrases
ability accomplished achieve action answer attitude band director band program Bands of America Barry Green become begin behavior benefits better booster Buckminster Fuller certainly chance choice clarinet commitment communication competition concert countless create deal dedicated discipline effort energy everything excellence exciting experience extra feel focus give goal growth homing pigeon important improve insecurity leadership learning lives look Losers marching band Mexico State University mind motivation Murphy's Law music education musicians negative never Northern Michigan University opportunity organization ourselves parents participate percent performance pinochle play positive problems REAL LEADERS responsibility result schedule sense Seven C's share simply situation skills someone special event spend student leaders success sun tan talents teachers teaching things Thomas Huxley thought trophy tuba understand winner woodwind young
Popular passages
Page 29 - I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
Page 14 - You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees, one descends; one sees no longer, but one has seen.