The Statutes at Large of the United States, Jilid 33,Bhgn 2U.S. Government Printing Office, 1905 Statutes at Large is the official annual compilation of public and private laws printed by the GPO. Laws are arranged by order of passage. |
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Act Granting America in Congress Approved April 11 April 28 authorized and directed CHAP Company H Congress assembled directed to place dollars per month enacted February 25 Granting a pension Granting an increase hereby House of Representatives Illinois Volunteer Infantry increase of pension Indiana Volunteer Infantry Interior January 23 late captain Company late first lieutenant late of Company March 16 ment month in lieu name of James name of John name of William Ohio Volunteer Infantry Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Pension increased pension laws pension roll pension to James pension to John pension to William provisions and limitations rate of thirty rate of twelve rate of twenty rate of twenty-four receiving Regiment Illinois Volunteer Regiment Indiana Volunteer Regiment New York Regiment Ohio Volunteer Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment United Second Regiment Secretary Senate and House Seventh Regiment Sixth Regiment thirty dollars twelve dollars twenty dollars twenty-four dollars United Private York Volunteer Infantry