Introduction to Finite MathematicsPrentice Hall PTR, 1974 - 512 oldal |
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
20 DATA 20 PRINT 30 MAT READ 99 END RUN absorbing acre ad-bc answer b-vector cents Chap choose components CONFIDENCE INTERVAL constraint cost data box detached coefficient tableau Dual equations dual solution END RUN XRCI expected number EXPECTED VALUE extreme points F F F F F T F F T T F feasible final tableau GOTO Hence Hint inequality initial tableau integer INVERSE kerosene LET P1 Logically true method minimum negative number of steps objective function odds optimal strategies pivot possibilities Pr[2 chosen Pr[A wins Pr[e Pr[p Pr[q Primal Dual primal solution probability of getting PROBABILITY OF WINNING probability vector problem PɅq RUN XRCI SE12 RUN XRCISE SADDLE STRICTLY DETERMINED standard deviation subset theorem transition matrix truth table u₁ u₂ u3 g Venn diagram x₁ XRCI SE10 XRCI SE3 zero Աշ