The Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 4

Front Cover
Leslie Stephen, Sir Sidney Lee
Oxford University Press, 1908 - Great Britain

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Page 357 - In merry old England it once was a rule, The King had his Poet, and also his Fool : But now we're so frugal, I'd have you to know it, That Cibber can serve both for Fool and for Poet.
Page 74 - ... good and safety of the kingdom in general is concerned, and the whole kingdom in danger...
Page 47 - The whole Works of Homer, Prince of Poets, in his Iliads and Odysses, translated according to the Greeke, by George Chapman.
Page 417 - The Shakespeare Key: unlocking the treasures of his style, elucidating the peculiarities of his construction, and displaying the beauties of his expression; forming a companion to " The Complete Concordance to Shakespeare.
Page 142 - Paint me an angel, with wings and a trumpet, to trumpet my name over the world.
Page 81 - that the capital and grand author of our troubles, the person of the king, by whose commissions, commands, or procurement, and in whose behalf and for whose interest only, of will and power, all our wars and troubles have been, with all the miseries attending them, may be speedily brought to justice for the treason, blood, and mischief he is therein guilty of.
Page 340 - Divi Britannici : being a remark upon the lives of all the Kings of this Isle, from the year of the World 2855, unto the year of Grace 1660.
Page 421 - The Tomb of Alexander, a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus, brought from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum.
Page 48 - I am here, my most honoured Lord, unexamined and unheard, committed to a vile prison, and with me a gentleman, (whose name, may, perhaps, have come to your Lordship) one Mr. George Chapman, a learned and honest man.
Page 145 - I take this method to acquaint you that I can procure copies of several ancient poems, and an interlude, perhaps the oldest dramatic piece extant, wrote by one Rowley, a priest of Bristol, who lived in the reigns of Henry VI. and Edward IV.

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