The Life and Letters of James Martineau, Volume 2

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J. Nisbit, Limited, 1902 - Clergy

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Page 317 - Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother.
Page 420 - Religion is a belief in an everlasting God; that is, a Divine mind and will, ruling the Universe, and holding moral relations with mankind.
Page 142 - Resolved, That a committee be appointed to take into consideration the subject of the...
Page 476 - General Editor, WALTER LOCK, DD, Warden of Keble College, Dean Ireland's Professor of Exegesis in the University of Oxford. The...
Page 429 - It is our own immediate consciousness of effort, when we exert force to put matter in motion, or to oppose and neutralize force, which gives us this internal conviction of power and causation so far as it refers to the material world, and compels us to believe that whenever we see material objects put in motion from a state of rest, or deflected from their rectilinear paths, and changed in their velocities if already in motion, it is in consequence of such an EFFORT somehow exerted, though not accompanied...
Page 401 - It is, in fact, very idle to talk about duties ; the word itself has in it something disagreeable and repulsive; and talk about it as we may, the word will not become a rule of conduct. A man, a moralist, gets into an elbow chair, and pours forth pompous dogmatisms about duty— and duties. Why is he not listened to ? Because every man is thinking about interests. It is a part of his very nature to think first about interests ; and with these the well-judging moralist will find it for his interest...
Page 369 - As Dr. Ward has spoken I must in fairness say that it will be very difficult for me to conceal my feeling as to the intellectual degradation which would come of the general acceptance of such views as Dr. Ward holds.
Page 23 - But for myself, both conviction and feeling keep [160] me close to the poetry and piety of Christendom. It is my native air, and in no other can I breathe ; and wherever it passes, it so mellows the soil and feeds the roots of character, and nurtures such grace and balance of affection, that for any climate similarly rich in elements of perfect life I look in vain elsewhere.
Page 131 - Christ ; you have sought to harmonize the laws of the spiritual with those of the natural world, and to give to each their due place in human life ; you have preached a Christianity of the spirit, and not of the letter, which is inseparable from morality; you have spoken to us of a hope beyond this world ; you have given rest to the minds of many. " We admire the simple record of a long life passed in the strenuous fulfilment of duty, in preaching, in teaching the young of both sexes, in writing...
Page 266 - Dream not that men will move their little finger to serve you, unless their advantage in so doing be obvious to them. Men never did so, and never will, while human nature is made of its present materials.

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