Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Volume 29 |
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abdomen anal area anal vein antemedial antennæ apex apical basal base blackish blastoderm branches broad brown line buff Cambrian Ceratophyllus Chang Hsia Collected by Eliot convex costa costal area costal margin coxæ cubitus curved dark brown dark grey darker dorsal furrow Druce DYAR Eliot Blackwelder end of cell Expedition to China female fixed cheeks Fore wings French Guiana fringe Front wing frontal rim geminate genus glabella Habitat Handlirsch Head and thorax hind wings Holotype Hymenoptera inner margin irrorated length lilacine male Maroni River Mazon Creek mesonotum metathorax middle N. Y. Ent narrow oblique occipital outer margin pale palpebral lobe Palpi patagia Pennsylvanian Permian pipefish posterior Primaries pronotum pygidium R₁ radius reddish brown Rothschild Schaus Scudder Secondaries segments Shangtung slightly species specimen spines streak subcosta submedian subterminal tarsi thorax tibiæ transverse Type Type.-Cat U. S. Geol U.S.N.M. Genus underneath violaceous Washington Expedition whitish yellow yellowish
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Page v - Museum, and setting forth newly acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology derived therefrom, or containing descriptions of new forms and revisions of limited groups. A volume is issued annually, or oftener, for distribution to libraries and scientific establishments, and in view of the importance of the more prompt dissemination of new facts a limited edition of each paper is printed in pamphlet form in advance.
Page 435 - ... inches from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail when spread as far as possible flat.
Page 497 - On the Origin of Heterocercy and the Evolution of the Fins and Finrays of Fishes.
Page v - Since 1902 the volumes of the series known as " Contributions from the National Herbarium," and containing papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum, have been published as bulletins. The...
Page 464 - This preliminary work was done in the laboratory of the United States Bureau of Fisheries at Beaufort, North Carolina.
Page 435 - II) shows several differences in points of structure, due chiefly to the better understanding of these extinct forms. The most striking dissimilarity is in the shortening of the trunk by a reduction of the number of presacral vertebra1.
Page v - ... newly acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology, with descriptions of new forms and revisions of limited groups. Copies of each paper, in pamphlet form, are distributed as published to libraries and scientific organizations and to specialists and others interested in the different subjects. The dates at which these separate papers are published are recorded in the table of contents of each of the volumes. The series of Bulletins, the first of which was issued in 1875, contains separate...
Page 421 - The Universal Conchologist, exhibiting the figure of every known Shell, accurately drawn and painted after Nature, with a new systematic arrangement.
Page 423 - London, 1784. Those who only know this book from Chenu's reprint, Paris, 1845, can form but a poor idea of the exquisite beauty of the original work. Of this, very few copies are accessible ; but it may be consulted at the British Museum, the Royal Society, and the Royal College of Surgeons. No.
Page 621 - These are differences in kind of specialization, and indicate two distinct lines of descent or a dichotomous division of the order. Among those Lepidoptera in which the wings are unite'd by a frenulum, great differences occur in the degree to which this organ or a substitute for it is developed ; such differences may merely indicate the degree of divergence from a primitive type and may need to be correlated with other characters to indicate dichotomous divisions.