Spacenoodles Coloring Book III: Teaching Children The Great Universe That Gave Them Life

Front Cover
Spacenodles Books, 2004 - Art
SPACENOODLES COLORING BOOK III is the sequel to SPACENOODLES COLORING BOOK II currently for sale using Adobe downloads to a world wide ebook market. SPACENOODLES COLORING BOOK III is derived from the successful web site SPACENOODLES.COM which are FREE OUTER SPACE GREETING CARDS where children can learn interesting facts about our spectacular universe while having fun coloring in lovable outer space characters.

About the author (2004)

Meet the Author

Hank Curci Holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Sanford University and is a former Senior Aerospace Engineer designing Inertial Navigation and spacecraft rendezvous points between Earth and Mars...his friends called him "The real Captain Kirk."

Hank Curci is also a concert pianist giving Cole Porter, Gershwin and Broadway show tune concerts in the Seattle area and also Stanford University.

His songs are being played on the international radio circuit and can be purchased on iTunes.

Hank Curci is the creator of free outer space greeting cards and writes a daily outer space blog on

Hank Curci has six ebooks published on the internet..two SCIFI short stories, one romantic comedy, and three Children's Outer Space Coloring Books.

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