Works of the Camden SocietyCamden Society, 1879 - Great Britain |
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Common terms and phrases
accompt accusacion ad idem advyse agayne Agreed allso appoynted APRILIS Attourney aunswere barre beinge Bill BUCK BUCKINGHAM buissines CAMD CANTERBURY CHAMBERLEYN charge CLARE cleered Comittee for priviledges Commons conceave conference consideracion copye councell d[elivered daye delyver demaunded desyred DEVON SHIRE doe yt DORSETT Duke DURESM dyvers E[arl entred Erle of Bristoll fyne fytt gyve gyven hathe hedds herafter herde himselfe idem INGHAM JOVIS Judges K[ing KEEPER King L. J. iii lettre LEYN libitum LLPs Lord Treasurer lyke MAII MARCII MARSHALL Matie Mats mocion Morley morrowe moved MULGRAVE municions myght noates noatice opynion Palatinate Parlement particuler payd peticion POST MERIDIEM PR[INCE PRESIDENT proceede provyde Prynce putt question reade receave reported requyred restreynt retourned SABATHI sayd SAYE sent shalbe shewe shippes SOUTHAMPTON Spayne spoaken STEWARDE Subcomittee sytt therof thynke touching touchinge treason tryall tyme unto uppon whoe wholl House Withdrawen wylbe wyll yett
Popular passages
Page 20 - Your assistaunce in yt. Moved. Yf such an occasion be offred, then those that delyver this advyse may have power to add, that yf this breakes of the treaty, &c. his Mat need not doubte but wee wylbe ready with our persons and our estates to be assistant, and with the uttmost of, &c.
Page 61 - Whether he shall name them presently, or shall have tyme gyven hym ? DURESME. Not to name them presently. TR[EASUR]ER. I am questioned here by Informacion of Sir' Roberte Pye in the other House by Mr. Cooke in a buissines concernes neither of themselves. As honest and as feithefull to the K[inge] and Kingdome as any subject whosoever. Wronges done: but yt wyll light uppon another man or other men (I wyll accuse none). Lett the matter fynde the man, yt wyll not light uppon me, I knowe. Enter this...
Page 178 - I dyd feare that yf Br[istol] should but gett the eare of my M[aste]r, he myght by some words he would use to him subverte all. He ever desyred Br[istol] might come to his publique tryall here in this house; yett he ever sayd this, that yf the E[arl] of Br[istol] were his brother, he thoughte the fittest lodging for him was the Tower. L. KEEPER repeated the message agayne. MULGRAVE. First to see what Bristoll wyll peticion this daye, and then CLARE. JVb/i est novum. Dependes uppon an order made in...
Page 91 - That he shall never sit in Parliament any more, and that he shall never come within the verge of the Court.'1 May 14. A committee of Lords was appointed by the House to attend the King and to acquaint him with the judgment awarded by the Lords against the Earl of Middlesex, and to desire his Majesty to take away the staff, and the seal of the Court of Wards from him. Ordered also, That the King's...
Page 27 - The message may be soe moulded as yt may be sente nowe, prout per Stewarde. BUCKINGHAM]. ' The present tyme the best, for the Prynce hathe authority from the King, yf any thing be mistaken, to explaine the same. This wyll take away jealousies, yf any.
Page 75 - The Treasurer knewe (by his owne wordes) that £14,000 per ann: woulde discharge yt: and yett he demanded £20,000 per ann.
Page 27 - Howe ? first the Prynce. PR[INCE]. Present relief in the Kinges estate is not expected by the Kinge. KEEPER. Relacion made here by the Treasurer: the lyke to them as we conceave. A meeting desyred to avoyde all mistakinges that may aryse.
Page 18 - To nyght, if possible : that impossible, but to morrowe or as soone as yt is possible.
Page 56 - ... approved of the conventional demand for a proclamation against Jesuits and seminary priests, but he objected to the passage requesting the disarming of recusants legally convicted or vehemently suspected. "I am perswaded," he said, "and have some cause to knowe yt, that the King wyll doe yt himselfe . . . but we not to urge him at this tyme, and he will doe yt the sooner.