Upton Sinclair Presents William Fox

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Read Books, 2008 - Biography & Autobiography - 400 pages
UPTON SINCLAIR PRESENTS WILLIAM FOX by UPTON SINCLAIR originally published in 1933. In Tu entytiine Reels with Prologue and Epilogue A Melodrama of Fortune Conflict and Triumph, Packed with ThriOb and Heart Throbs East Side Boy Conquers Fame and Power. The Masters of Millions Envy His Triumph and Hot His Downfall. The Octopus Battles the Fox The Ehid of a Century The Sensation of a Lifetime Never in Screen History has there been a Feature so Stupendous as this. An Inside Story a Firsthand Revelation of Politics and Finance, with a Ten Billion Dollar Cast of Statesmen and Financiers. At the same time a Story for the Family, tense and moving, with Love, loyalty and a womans soul. A Romance so fine, so true, so loaded with laughter and tears that none can resist it- FLOYD DELL REPORTS TO A NEW YORK PUBLISHER. I think this is a very important book. First, because it tells what a man important to his times thinks about himself. Second, because of the importance of the war between the financiers and the organizers in this motion picture field. Third, because of the immense human interest and enthralling excitement of the story. There has never been a book on this subject so completely readable by ordinary people. I myself am bored with statistics, I dont like business stories, and I started this book with no hope of ever being able to read it through. It kept me awake all night I could not stop reading it. The story has terrific interest and suspense. Also it hits the public interest of the times right in the center. It will be in every middle class home this winter, and millions of people will be talking about it. It is going to be one of the great literary sensations in the history of American publishing. Upton Sinclairs reputation has survived every exposes he has handled, and no one has ever sued him for libel, He has the goods on people and they know it. There can be no question but that the facts are substantially as the book states them, for these are all matters of court record. The interpretations alone can be questioned. I should say that the only reason for not taking advantage of the greatest opportunity of our times in publishing would be a belief in the actuality of this alleged criminal conspiracy, and the fear that the conspiracy would extend to the point of a criminal attempt to punish and wreck the publisher who put Foxs case before the public. Or have the bankers burned their fingers enough in this Fox business without attempting illegitimate inter ference In the end it would be useless, for the book will be published and they cant stop it This is the most exciting book I have read for years It adds a new and significant figure to American industrial biography. It is destined to an immense popularity, and it will make Uptom Sinclair the most widely read author in America, It will be in front page headlines, and a Congressional inquiry may keep It there for weeks or months. The films are dear to the heart of America. Contents include: PROLOGUE ........... REEL ONE REEL TWO Shoe Bidding ant Lozengers, ..., ., ., 14 REEL THREE Pretzels and Buffalo Pans ....... . . . 23 REEL FOUR TsJjtJ eJodteans and Common Shows ...., .. 32 REEL FIVE The Ro i4 to Fortune . ......., . . . 46 REEL SIX Over the Hill ..., .., .., ..., . 56 REEL SEVEN The Micbs Touch .., ., ., ... 67 REEL EIGHT Red T pe ..., ..., ....... 80 REEL NINE The Vwltum, ...., ...., ... 94 REEL TEN The Octopus ...., .., .., ... 102 REEL ELEVEN Reaping the Whirlwind ...., ... 114 REEL TWELVE The Fox Trap ......., ... 127 REEL THIRTEEN The Fox Hesildtes ......... ..... 140 REEL FOURTEEN TJw Pox Bntws ..

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About the author (2008)

Upton Sinclair, a lifelong vigorous socialist, first became well known with a powerful muckraking novel, The Jungle, in 1906. Refused by five publishers and finally published by Sinclair himself, it became an immediate bestseller, and inspired a government investigation of the Chicago stockyards, which led to much reform. In 1967 he was invited by President Lyndon Johnson to "witness the signing of the Wholesome Meat Act, which will gradually plug loopholes left by the first Federal meat inspection law" (N.Y. Times), a law Sinclair had helped to bring about. Newspapers, colleges, schools, churches, and industries have all been the subject of a Sinclair attack, analyzing and exposing their evils. Sinclair was not really a novelist, but a fearless and indefatigable journalist-crusader. All his early books are propaganda for his social reforms. When regular publishers boycotted his work, he published himself, usually at a financial loss. His 80 or so books have been translated into 47 languages, and his sales abroad, especially in the former Soviet Union, have been enormous.

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