Archaeological Reconnaissance in Northern Interior District of Mackenzie, 1969, 1970, and 1972Report on examination of about 75 prehistoric sites and nearly 50 historic and recent camps in area north and west of Great Bear Lake. |
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Anderson River appears approximately Archaeological Arctic Small Tool artifacts assemblages ASTt base Bear Lake Bear River bench Beveled flake biface blade Biface fragment blade-like flakes blowouts bone burin burin spalls cabin Canada caribou Catalogue Chapter chert flake cluster cobble collected Colville Lake components cream-lustre chert Creek District of Mackenzie dorsal east edge End scraper Eskimo excavated exposed feet fish Fort Franklin Fort Norman Franklin Hare Indian hearth historic camping Horton Lake implements Indian Keele River-type fused Kelly Lake Lichen lithic lithology located Mackenzie River MacNeish material Maunoir Trail microblade microblade core microcore miles NMC Negative Northwest notched outlet piece Plate platform prehistoric present probably quartzite biface quartzite flake quartzite slab recovered retouched flake ridge River-type fused rock sand side Small Tool tradition south shore specimen spokeshave stream surface survey tabular Taltheilei tepee thick Trimmed quartzite uniface utilized vitreous quartzite wide