Page images

LXXXI. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1567, by William
Flower, Esq., Norroy king of arms. Edited by the Rev. F. R. RAINES, M.A., F.S.A., Vicar of
Milnrow, and Hon. Canon of Manchester. pp. xvi, 141.

LXXXII. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1613, by Richard St.
George, Esq., Norroy king of arms. Edited by the Rev. F. R. RAINES, M.A., F.S.A., Vicar of Miln-
row, Hon. Canon of Manchester, and Rural Dean. pp. xx, 142.

LXXXIII. Chetham Miscellanies, Vol. IV., containing:

Some Account of General Robert Venables, of Antrobus and Wincham, Cheshire; with an engrav-
ing from his Portrait at Wincham, together with the Autobiographical Memoranda or Diary of his
Widow, Elizabeth Venables. From the original MS. in the possession of LEE P. Townshend, Esq.
pp iv, 28. Pedigree 1. Portrait of General. Robert Venables.

A Forme of Confession grounded vpon the Ancient Catholique and Apostolique Faith. Made and

composed by the honorable ladie The Lady Bridget Egerton. A.D. 1636. From the original MS. in

the possession of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey EGERTON, Bart., M.P. pp. vi, 23. Pedigrees 2.


A Kalender conteyning the Names of all such Gent. and others as upon her Maty's Pryvye Seales

have paid there Money to the handes of Sir Hugh Cholmondley Knyghte Collect' of Her Hyghnes

Loane within the Countie of Chester, together with the severall Somes and Daies of Receipt. A.D. 1597.

From the original MS. in the possession of R. H. WOOD, Esq., F.S.A. pp. iv, 4.

History of Warrington Friary. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT, Esq. pp. vii, 76. Index 4.

Four Plates, being Effigies and Arms, Tombstones, and Fragments.

LXXXIV. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664-5, by Sir Wil-
liam Dugdale, Knight, Norroy king of arms. Edited by the Rev. F. R. RAINES, M.A., F.S.A., Vicar
of Milnrow, Hon. Canon of Manchester, and Rural Dean. Part I. pp. xiv, 104.

LXXXV. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664-5, by Sir Wil-
liam Dugdale, Knight. Part II. pp. 105-224.

LXXXVI. Annals of the Lords of Warrington for the first five centuries after the conquest. With

historical notices of the place and neighbourhood. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT, Esq. Part I.

pp. xxvi, 262. Three Plates.

LXXXVII. Annals of the Lords of Warrington for the first five centuries after the conquest. Part II.
(Conclusion.) pp. 263-523. Index 11. Three Plates.

LXXXVIII. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664–5, by Sir Wil-
liam Dugdale, Knight. Part III. (Conclusion.) pp. 225-344. Index 17.

LXXXIX. The Dr. Farmer Chetham MS., being a commonplace-book in the Chetham Library, temp.
Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I., consisting of verse and prose, mostly hitherto unpublished.
Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. ALEXANDER B. GROSART.
Frontispiece in Photo-lithography.

Part I.

pp. xvi, 120.


Publications of the Chetham Society.

Thirty-first year (1873-4).


XC. The Dr. Farmer Chetham MS., being a commonplace-book in the Chetham Library, temp.
Elizabeth, James I. and Charles 1. Part II. (Conclusion.) pp. 121-225.

XCI. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part V. pp. xi, 250.

XCII. The History of the parish of Kirkham, in the county of Lancaster. By HENRY FISHWICK,
F.R.H.S, pp. vii, 208 ; Appendix 3; Index 18. Frontispiece.

Thirty-second year (1874-5).

XCIII. The Admission Register of the Manchester School, with some Notices of the more distinguished
Scholars, from May A.D. 1807 to September A.D. 1837. Vol. III. Part I. pp. vi, 176. Three Plates.
XCIV. The Admission Register of the Manchester School, with some notices of the more distinguished
Scholars, from May A.D. 1807 to September A.D. 1837. Vol. III. Part II. pp. 177-348; Index 19.
Two Plates.

XCV. Abstracts of Inquisitions post Mortem, made by Christopher Towneley and Roger Dodsworth.
Extracted from Manuscripts at Towneley. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON. Pp. vii, 160; Index 16.

Thirty-third year (1875-6).

XCVI. Chetham Miscellanies, Vol. V. Edited by the Rev. CANON RAINES, M.A., F.S.A., Vice-
President of the Society, containing :

A Description of the State, Civil and Ecclesiastical, of the County of Lancaster, about the year 1590,
by some of the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester. From the original MS. in the Bodleian. pp. xv, 48.
A Visitation of the Diocese of Chester, by John, Archbishop of York, held in the Chapter House of
the Collegiate and Parish Church of Manchester, 1590, with the Archbishop's Correspondence with
the Clergy. From the MS. in the Bodleian. pp. 22. Plate.

Letters on the Claims of the College of Arms in Lancashire, in the time of James the First; by
Leonard Smethley and Randle Holme, Deputy Heralds. pp. xx, 38.

The Easter Rolls of Whalley in the years 1552 and 1553. From the originals at Stonyhurst.
pp. v, 18.

XCVII. Contributions towards a History of the Ancient Parish of Prestbury, in Cheshire. By FRANK
RENAUD, M.D. pp. viii, 238; Index 6. Fourteen Plates.

XCVIII. The Visitation of Lancashire and a Part of Cheshire, made in the Twenty-fourth year of the
reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1533, by special commission of Thomas Benalt, Clarencieux.
Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON, Esq. pp. xviii, 104.

Thirty-fourth year (1876-7).

XCIX. Abstracts of Inquisitions post Mortem, made by Christopher Towneley and Roger Dodsworth.
Extracted from Manuscripts at Towneley. Vol. II. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON. pp. vii, 188;

Index 17.

C. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part VI. pp. xi, 251-471.

CI. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part VII. pp. viii, 208.

Thirty-fifth year (1877–8).

CII. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part VIII. pp. viii, 209-430.

CIII. Chetham Miscellanies, Vol. VI. Edited by the Rev. Canon Raines, M.A., F.S.A., Vice-
President of the Society, containing :

The Rent Roll of Sir John Towneley of Towneley, Knight, for Burnley, Ightenhill, &c., in the
County Palatine of Lancaster. Anno Domini 1535-6. pp. xxxvi, 28.

The Autobiography of Mr. Langley of Prestwich, seventeenth century, and

Part I. Edited by Lieut.-

A Close Catalogue of the Rectors of Prestwich, from 1316 to 1632. pp. xxiv, 30 ; Index 4.
CIV. The History of the Parish of Garstang, in the county of Lancaster.
Col. HENRY FISHWICK, F.S.A. pp. vii, 140. Two Illustrations

Thirty-sixth year (1878-9).

CV. The History of the Parish of Garstang. Part II. (Conclusion.) pp. 141-277; Appendix 2 ;
Index 20; Pedigrees 5.

CVI. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part IX. pp. ix, 208.

CVII. Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels in Lancashire, taken in the year A.D. 1552,
Edited by JOHN Eglington BaILEY, F.S.A. Part I.—Salford Hundred. pp. ii, 54.



Publications of the Chetham Society.

Thirty-seventh year (1879–80.)

CVIII. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part X. pp. 209–342.

CIX. Correspondence of Nathan Walworth and Peter Seddon of Outwood, and other Documents re-
lating to the Building of Ringley Chapel. Edited by JOHN SAMUEL FLETCHER. pp. xxix, 89;
Appendix 15; Index 4. 3 Illustrations and 1 Pedigree.

CX. The Visitation of Lancashire and Part of Cheshire. Part II. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON, Esq.
pp. x, 105-233; Index 27: Portrait.

Thirty-eighth year (1880-81.)

CXI. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part XI. (Conclusion.) pp. xii, 343-440; General Table of Con·
tents, 19; General Index, 37; Portrait.

The Compotus of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, respecting his lands in Lancashire and Cheshire,
A.D. 1297. Edited by the Rev. P. A. LYONS. (In the Press.)

The Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels of Lancashire, A. D. 1552. Part II.
Edited by Mr. J. E. BAILEY. (In the Press.)

Thirty-ninth year (1881-82.)

The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. Edited by JAMES CROSSLEY, Esq.
Vol. II. Part II. (In Preparation.)

General Index to Vols. XXXI.-CXIV. (excluding Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica.) Edited
by Mr. W. E. A. AXON. (In Preparation.)

Printed by Charles E. Simms, Manchester.










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