Holographic Study of the Inheritance of the Morphologic Variation in the Mandibular Second Premolar: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment ... in Orthodontics ... |
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aluminum plate Angle B Angle anthropology was judged beam of light Beam Splitter Caucasoid population collimated beam contour holography contour lines correct diagnosis craniofacial complex cusp tips dental crown Department of Orthodontics determination the seven diagnosis of zygosity dissimilarities Distal Mesial dizygotic twin pairs genetic heredity high auto-correlation holograms holographic contour maps holographic contouring technique Instructions Contour Maps investigation judged dizygotic left second premolar Lundstrom malocclusion mandibular left second mandibular second premolar mean for angle measure of similarity monozygotic by serology monozygotic twin pairs morphologic variation morphology of teeth obtained occlusal crown Optical Correlator Orientation original plaster casts original plaster models pair diagnosed monozygotic Photographs Professor of Dentistry School of Dentistry seven graduate students seven observers six twin pairs standard deviation students in Orthodontics study of tooth teeth in question three dizygotic three monozygotic tooth morphology twin pair diagnosed twin study University of Michigan variation in teeth Varner Zygosity Diagnosis