Christianity and Politics in Doe's LiberiaThis study examines the role of Christianity in Liberia under the corrupt regime of Samuel K. Doe (1980-1990). Paul Gifford shows that, in general, Liberian Christianity--far from being a force for justice and human advancement--diverted attention from the cause of Liberia's ills, left change to God's miraculous intervention, encouraged obedience and acceptance of the status quo, and thus served to entrench Doe's power. This Christianity, devised in and controlled from the United States, thus furthered regional American economic and political objectives, which were designed to support Doe's rule. |
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African Christianity African Independent Churches Aladura American Americo-Liberians Archbishop Francis Assemblies Assemblies of God Baptist Bassa Bible College biblical Billy Graham Bishop Catholic Church cent Christ Christian Zionism claimed Copeland corruption coup course crusade cultural Daily Observer denominations dispensationalism Don Stewart Eckankar economic election ELWA Episcopal evangelical evangelists faith movement Fellowship fundamentalist funds Gbarnga give God's gospel groups Hagin healing human rights ibid independent churches institutions International interview involved Islam Israel issue Jesus July June justice Karnga Latin America leadership Lester Sumrall liberation theology Liberian Christianity Lutheran mainline churches MBTC Methodist million Minister ministry Mission missionaries Monrovia Muslim NDPL organisation pastors Pentecostal Pentecostal Church political prayer preaching President Press programme prosperity radio religion religious Report role seminar Sept sermon Sinoe County social society socio-political Sumrall teaching Tolbert University of Liberia West Africa Yekepa