Electromyographic Latency and Silent Period Parameters of the Masseter Muscle in Subjects with Pulpal Pain: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment ... in Endodontics ... |
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1st Mean 2nd Abstr Acta Odont action potential acute apical periodontitis afferent analysis of variance Arch Bessette bipolar clench Dent dental descriptive statistics difference electrodes electromyographic silent period EMG masseteric silent EMG signal EMG silent period Endo Clin Fixed Laboratory System following tooth contact Golgi tendon organs indicating a non-vital jaw jerk jaw muscle Latency mandibular joint masseter muscle masseteric EMG silent masseteric silent period mastication masticatory muscles Mean 2nd Mean mean SPD value measuring the silent menton motor unit muscle activity muscle spindles Norm Clin Norm Lab normal subjects Occlusal Adjustment Oral Biol periapical tissues period duration SPD periodontal periodontium Physiol Prob 1st Mean Prosth pulp pulpal disease pulpal or periapical pulpal pain pulpitis Radiographic receptors recorded reflex hammer Scand School of Dentistry significant silent period duration stimulation stylus suppuration symptoms Tektronix temporomandibular joint thermal tests indicating TMJ syndrome treatment TRS-80 system University of Michigan Widmalm XSPD