A Stereophotogrammetric Method for Dental Mensuration: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment ... in Restorative Dentistry ... |
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16 Savara accuracy application of stereophotogrammetry approximately buccal camera centric occlusion Comparator axis considered contour maps coord coordinates of tooth cross-hairs cusp tips cuspal inclines cuspal morphology dental arch DENTAL MENSURATION developed dimensional face Facets of attrition film Focal Distance glass grid graphite stylus grid corner Grid Plate Coordinates grid square grid-plate harmony horizontal shift inclines of function intersections Left View lens LM Pt mandibular movement mastication measure the volume millimeter millimeter scale neuromuscular object occlusal surfaces optical axis orthodontic parallax parallel patterns of cuspal perpendicular photographed plane of grid planimeter plaster cast plate-calibration coordinates plotting machine point on tooth points in relation procedures Professor of Dentistry prosthesis quantitative relationship rotated Santos School of Dentistry sets of readings spatially oriented patterns stereo stereocamera Stereopair of Negatives stereophotogrammetric method stereoscopic teeth thesis committee tooth morphology tooth point grid University of Michigan values volumetric determinations y-coordinates