Englische Studien, Volume 15

Front Cover
Eugen Kölbing, Johannes Hoops, Reinald Hoops
O.R. Reisland, 1891 - Comparative linguistics
"Zeitschrift für englische Philologie" (varies slightly).


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Page 275 - The Church has many times been compared by divines to the ark of which we read in the Book of Genesis, but never was the resemblance more perfect than during that evil time when she alone rode, amidst darkness and tempest, on the deluge beneath which all the works of ancient power and wisdom lay
Page 325 - of revels, mute, contemplative. Sweet, solitary, white as chaste, and pure As wind-fann'd snow, who to thy female knights Allow'st no more blood than will make a blush. Which is their order's robe; I here, thy priest. Am humbled 'fore thine altar. Oh, vouchsafe. With that thy rare green eye, which never yet together in the 4°., and M's. name
Page 443 - than forty Shillings, I had my Book of Songs and Sonnets here'. Letztere, Gaedertz entgangene thatsache zieht mehr als die von ihm angeführte, dass die Verleger der 1.
Page 325 - and be more costly, than Your suppliants' war! Remember that your fame Knolls in the ear o'th' world: what you do quickly Is not done rashly; your first thought is more Than others' labour'd meditance; your premeditating More than their actions; but (oh, Jove!) your actions. Soon as they move, as ospreys do the fish. Subdue before they touch.
Page 278 - Jedermann weiss zb, wie zu gleicher zeit das römische volk in elendester Verkommenheit und der römische hof im vollgenuss der kunst und der klassischen bildung lebte: »Their (die Umgebung Leo des zehnten) years glided by in a soft clream of sensual and intellectual voluptuousness. Choice cookery, delicious wines, lovely women, hounds, falcons, horses,
Page 325 - of his cooperation. Beheld thing maculate, look on thy virgin! And, sacred silver mistress, lend thine ear (Which ne'er heard scurril term, into whose port Ne'er enter'd wanton sound) to my petition, Season'd with holy fear! This is my last Of vestal office; I am bride-habited. But maiden-hearted.
Page 269 - but he did not know it to be legitimate English. He would not admit civilisation, but only civility. With great deference to him I thought civilisation from to civilize better in the sense opposed to barbariety than civility,
Page 269 - it is better to have a distinct word for each sense, than one word with two senses, which civility is, in his way of using it«. Es entspricht ganz dem Charakter Johnson's, dass er dem Worte der neuen zeit die aufnähme in sein Wörterbuch versagte. Civilisation hat sich also aus dem worte civility herausgearbeitet , und' für das verständniss der Schriften aus der zweiten

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