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altitude basin beds Black shale carbonate Chester clay coal correlation County Crawfordsville Creek deposits Devonian drainage drilled drive pipe east eastern elevation erosion Failed to report fauna feet Brown feet Dark slate feet Gray lime feet Light slate feet Lime feet Sand feet Slate feet White Foerste formation fossils Gage Height geological glacial drift gravels Hall Illinois inches Indiana Indiana Report kaolin Kentucky Keokuk Knobstone Knobstone escarpment Lake Lawrence County lower lowland Martin County mineral Mississippian Mitchell plain Monroe County moraine Muscatatuck Niagara occur Ohio River oölitic Ordovician outcrop peneplain portion region report in 1919 Rept rock Saline sandstone sea level Sec.-Ft Section shale Silurian slope square miles stone strata stream structural surface Surv thickness topographic Total depth Township Trenton Trenton limestone tributaries U. S. Geol Ulrich upland upper valley Wabash River western White River