A Constitutional History of American Episcopal MethodismPublishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1908 - 626 pages |
Common terms and phrases
action adjourned adopted American Methodism Annual Conferences appears appointed Asbury's Assistant authority Baltimore Conference Bishop Asbury Bishop McKendree body brethren brother called Christmas Conference Church in America Church of England circuits Coke's committee Conf connection consent constitutional Council deacons debate decision deed Delegated General Conference doctrine election ence England English episcopacy eral Conference exercise ference Francis Asbury Garrettson General-Assistant Hedding Hist itinerant James O'Kelly Jesse Lee John Dickins John Wesley Joshua Soule Journal labors legislation letter majority Manakintown meet ment Meth Metho Methodist Episcopal Church ministers Minutes motion ordination organization original Philadelphia preach present presiding elders Ques question Rankin received resolution restrictive rule Richard Whatcoat sacraments says Section session slavery Society Soule South Superintendent things Thomas Coke tion traveling preachers Tyerman unanimously Virginia Conference vote Watters Wesley's Whatcoat yearly Conferences
Popular passages
Page 119 - We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you : come thou with us, and we will do thee good : for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel.
Page 175 - Lord King's account of the primitive Church convinced me, many years ago, that bishops and presbyters are the same order, and consequently have the same right to ordain.
Page 51 - I had in my pocket a handful of copper money, three or four silver dollars, and five pistoles in gold; as he proceeded I began to soften, and concluded to give the copper.
Page 175 - As our American brethren are now totally disentangled, both from the state and the English hierarchy, we dare not entangle them again, either with the one or the other. They are now at full liberty, simply to follow the Scriptures and the primitive church. And we judge it best that they should stand fast in that liberty wherewith God has so strangely made them free.
Page 17 - In the latter end of the year 1739, eight or ten persons came to Mr. Wesley in London, who appeared to be deeply convinced of sin, and earnestly groaning for redemption.
Page 601 - And, in fact, every believer, till he comes to glory, works for as well as from life. 3. We have received it as a maxim, that " a man is to do nothing in order to justification.
Page 140 - The General Conference shall have full powers to make rules and regulations for our Church, under the following limitations and restrictions, namely : 1. The General Conference shall not revoke, alter, or change our articles of Religion, nor establish any new standards or rules of doctrine contrary to our present existing and established standards of doctrine.
Page 572 - We are not seceders, nor do we bear any resemblance to them. We set out upon quite opposite principles. The seceders laid the very foundation of their work in judging and condemning others : we laid the foundation of our work in judging and condemning ourselves. They begin everywhere with showing their hearers how fallen the Church and ministers are : we begin everywhere with showing our hearers how fallen they are themselves.
Page 21 - Observe : I myself sent for these, of my own free choice ; and I sent for them to advise, not govern me. Neither did I, at any of those times, divest myself of any part of that power which the providence of God had cast upon me, without any design or choice of mine.
Page 578 - Do they know God as a pardoning God? Have they the Love of God abiding in them? Do they desire and seek nothing but God? And are they holy in all manner of Conversation?