Responses to 101 Questions on Islam"Renard's observations on Islam are at once respectful and insightful. He helps the reader to confront biases against Islam and its religious and cultural influence. The gift of Renard's many years of living with Muslims in Arab settings is his ability to relate what seems to be a foreign experience to the everyday life of Americans who are, for the most part, Christians often alarmed by the "political Islam" of the Middle East."--BOOK JACKET. |
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101 QUESTIONS Abbasids Abraham Africa American Arabian Arabic Baghdad began beginning Byzantine Cairo caliph called Catholic central century challenge Christians consider Cordoba cultural death developed dhimmis divine dynasty early Elijah Muhammad ethical example faith Fatima Fatimids forgive gious God's Hadith Hijra Holy human rights Ibn Arabi imam important interpretation Islamic history Islamic spirituality Islamic tradition issues Jerusalem Jesus Jews and Christians jihad Judaism lims living major means Mecca Medina mercy Middle East mosque Muham Muhammad Muslims believe mystical Nation of Islam non-Muslims one's Persian person political practice pray prophets Qur'an Quraysh recitation relationship religion religious law religious tradition RESPONSES TO 101 revealed ritual prayer role sacred Sasanian scholars scripture seek Shi'i social society story Sufi Sufism Sunna Sunni suras takbir teaching term theological tion Turkic Twelver Umayyad views virtually words worship