Turkish review of archaeology, Volumes 30-31Türk tarih Kurumu Basimevi., 1896 - Turkey |
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Adam Cosour Agnes Alexander altar Andrew anent annual rent April Argyll arms bailies Bank Bishop Bishop of Caithness brother burgess burgh century chaplain Charles Bailly charter Court Cramond daughter David died Drummond Duke Duncan Earl Earl of Menteith Edinburgh Elizabeth England English Erskine father Fetlar Forestar George Glasgow granted Hamilton heir Henry inescutcheon issue James John Graham Johnne Jonet July June Katherine Kilbride King La Hulpe Lady laird lands late le Graham letter Linlithgow Lord lordis Lyon Magnus Malcolm March Margaret Marion married Mary mchant Menteith merks Murray notes Parliament Patrick Peeblesshire Perth portrait pounds Scots provost quhich Ralph Strode record Regis Register relict resigns Robert Ross Royal sasine Schaw Scocie Scotland Scots Scottish Scottish Antiquary seal shillings Sinclair Sir John Sir William spouse Stewart Stirling Striueline tenement thair Thomas took instruments Unst Walter