Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico: A Personal Narrative of Six Years' Sojourn in Those RegionsIn the author's first journey, 1846-50, various points in Texas were visited; on his second sojourn, 1851-52, he made his headquarters at Brownsville, Tex., with visits to neighboring places in Texas and Mexico. |
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Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico: A Personal Narrative of Six Years ... Emmanuel Domenech No preview available - 2018 |
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Abbé Dubuis Alsacian altar American animal arrived Avalos banks bishop Braunfels Brownsville cabin camp Carvajal Castroville Catholic Charles church cloth colonists colony coloured Comanches companion consolation crossed crown 8vo danger Dhanis earth escape fatigue fell fire foot formed France Fredericksburg frontiers gallop Galveston gave Gulf of Mexico hand heart History holy horse Indians inhabitants instant journey labour lived LORD MACAULAY maize marriage Matamoros mesquite Mexican Mexico miles mission missionary morning morocco murder nature never night obliged oxen passed piastres plain Plates poor Post 8vo prairie prayers priest prisoners rancheros rancho religion returned revised Reynosa Rio Grande City river San Antonio Second Edition sheriff skin sleep soldiers solitudes soon Spanish sufferings Texas Texian tion took town trees tribes vols waggon wild wood Woodcuts wound wretched young
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