The Cambridge Natural History, Volume 2Sidney Frederic Harmer, Sir Arthur Everett Shipley Macmillan and Company, limited, 1901 - Zoology |
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adult alimentary canal animal anus aperture avicularia body body-cavity body-wall brain branches bristles cavity cells Cestodes chaetae chitinous ciliated cirri coelom colony colour cuticle dorsal ducts earthworms eggs elongated embryos Entoprocta epidermis excretory female fresh-water ganglion genera genital genus gills glands groove head hooks host inches intestine known larva lateral layer length Leptoplana Leuckart life-history live lobes longitudinal male marine mature median membrane mouth muscles muscular Nematodes Nemertines nephridia nephridium nerve nerve-cord nervous system occur oesophagus Oligochaeta orifice ovary oviduct pair papillae parapodium parasitic pharynx Planarians Polychaetes Polyclads polypide Polyzoa pore posterior probably proboscis prostomium region reproductive organs Rotifers segments sexual sheath side skin species spermatozoa spines statoblasts structure sucker Taenia tentacles tissue transverse Trematodes trunk tube Turbellaria usually uterus ventral surface vessels wall wiss worms Zeitschr zooecia zooecium Zool