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Common terms and phrases
15 16 Altitudes 17 Auxiliary Arguments 21 22 Auxiliary 26 Parallax 32 33 Diſtances 48 Numb 56 Horizontal Parallax 57 for Seconds 61 Pr.parts 6h Sine Cofine A.Arg Altitudes and Auxiliary Altitudes and Numbers Altitudes Numbers III AltitudesParts for Sec Apparent Altitudes Numbers Apparent AltitudesNumbers Apparent AltitudesParts Apparent Auxiliary Arguments Apparent Numbers C. T. X. Numbers Cofecant Cofecant Secant Cofecant Secant 15 Cofine Cofine Sine Cofine Secant Cofecant Cofine Sine 15 Cofine Sine Secant Colecant Compl Cotine Coverſed Coverſed Verfed Coverſed Verſed Sucoverſed D's App Degrees find the Corr Numb Paits for Sec Parallax additive Pr.parts 54 Pr.parts for Seconds Secant Cofecant 15 Secant Cofecant Cofecant Secant h Seconds of 54 Seconds of Parallax Sine Cofecant Secant Sine Cofine 15 Sine Cofine Cofine Sine Secant Cofecant Sums of Altitudes Sums of Apparent Sun's Suverfed h Suverſed Coverſed Coverſed Suverſed Sucoverſed Verfed Sucoverſed Verſed ΙΟΙ ㅇㅇ