A Grammar of English on Mathematical Principles |
A Grammatical Theory with Mathematical Properties | 1 |
8 | 24 |
The Base Sublanguage | 33 |
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Common terms and phrases
adjectival adjective adverbs affixes antecedent appear argument indicator argument requirement argument sentence base sentences co-argument co-occurrents component sentence compound conjunctions consider construction count nouns derived disjunction durative English entry example fact free word front positioning further operator Gilbert and Sullivan grammatical Hence higher operator host indefinite intonation John and Mary John's language leave left modifier likelihood meaning metalinguistic morpheme morphophonemic moving nominalized noun noun phrase object obtained occur operator indicator parallel zeroing partial ordering particular passive penult permutation phoned phoneme plural predicate prepositions present preverbs prior equals pronoun properties quantifiers question Ravachol reduction refer referential relation relative clause repetition replaced residue respect S₁ S₂ second argument second occurrence secondary sentence seen selection semantic semicolon Similarly situation someone spoke subclasses subjunctive subordinate conjunctions suffix suppletive syntactic tence tense thing variant wh-pronouns word sequence zero-order arguments zeroable