A Popular History of France from the First Revolution to the Present Time: 1832-1881D. Estes and C.E. Lauriat, 1882 - France |
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Common terms and phrases
Abd-el-Kader accepted alliance allies ambassador arms army Assembly attack Austria Barrot Bazaine Bonaparte Bonapartist cabinet Cavaignac Cavour Chamber command committee constitution corps coup d'état Crimean war December declared decree defeat defend deputies desire Duke elections emperor Empire England English Europe favor force foreign affairs France German Giulay Guizot hand hundred imperial insurrection Italian Italy Jules Favre July June King Lamartine Ledru-Rollin Legislative Body Legislature legitimists liberty Lord Palmerston Louis Blanc Louis Bonaparte Louis Napoleon Louis Philippe MacMahon Magenta majority March Marshal matter ment Mexican Mexico military millions minister of foreign ministry monarchy Napoleon III National Guard Odilon Barrot once Paris party peace Piedmontese political Pope president Prince proclamation proposed protested provinces Prussia question refused regard republic republican resigned restored revolution Rome Sebastopol Senate sent siege soldiers soon struggle Thiers thousand tion took treaty troops Tuileries Victor vote
Popular passages
Page 526 - Soldiers ! —I am about to place myself at your head to defend the honour and soil of the country. You go to fight against one of the best armies in Europe ; but others who were quite as worthy were unable to resist your bravery. It will be the same again at the present time. The war which is now commencing will be a long and severe one, since it will have for the scene of its operations places full of fortresses and obstacles ; but nothing is too difficult for the soldiers of Africa, the Crimea,...
Page 540 - Frenchmen ! The people have disavowed a Chamber which hesitated to save the country when in danger. It has demanded a Republic. The friends of its representatives are not in power but in peril. "The Republic vanquished the invasion of 1792. The Republic is proclaimed ! " The Revolution is accomplished in the name of right and public safety. " Citizens ! Watch over the city confided to you. To-morrow you will be, with the army, avengers of the country.
Page 574 - To recall the memories of past dissensions at a time when the enemy treads our blood-stained soil is to retard by their rancours the great task of the deliverance of the country. We regard principles as superior to expedients. We do not wish that the first decree of convocation of the Republican Assembly in 1871 should be an act of mistrust directed against the electors. To them belongs the sovereignty; let them exercise it without weakness and the country may be saved.
Page 542 - ... heaping corpse upon corpse and ruin upon ruin ? He is free to assume this responsibility in the face of the world and of history. If it is a challenge we accept it. We will not cede either an inch of our territory or a stone of our fortresses.
Page 618 - ... addressing the meeting, recommended moderation, and declared he had no idea of attacking the President, but only those evil advisers who were misleading him, and he proposed the following declaration, drawn up by the bureaux of the three sections of the majority, which was passed without discussion : — " The Chamber, considering that it is incumbent upon it in the present crisis, in order to accomplish the mandate which it received from the country, to recall the fact that the preponderance...
Page 536 - Majeste," leaving all the rest to me. My answer was that I deplored the manner of our meeting, and begged that a plenipotentiary might be sent, with whom we might conclude the capitulation. After I had given the letter to General Reille, I spoke a few words with him as an old acquaintance, and so this act ended. I gave Moltke powers to negotiate, and directed Bismarck to remain behind in case political questions should arise. I then rode to my carriage and drove here, greeted everywhere along the...
Page 619 - ... serious step now appears to me necessary. I ask you to give your assent to it. My Ministers are deputed to explain to you the reasons which actuate me. On the 16th of May I had to declare to the country that disagreements existed between the Chamber of Deputies and myself. I showed that no Ministry could maintain itself in that Chamber without seeking the alliance and meeting the conditions of the Radical party. A Government bound to such a necessity is no longer master of its own actions. Whatever...
Page 526 - Italy, and Mexico. You will again prove what the French army, animated by the sentiment of duty, maintained by discipline, and inspired with love of country, can perform. Whatever road we may take beyond our frontiers we shall find glorious traces of our fathers. We will prove ourselves worthy of them.
Page 535 - Von Bronsart, of the General Staff, with a flag of truce, to demand the capitulation of the army and the fortress. He was met by a Bavarian officer, who reported to me that a French parlementaire had announced himself at the gate. Colonel Von Bronsart was admitted, and on his asking for the Commander-in-Chief, he was unexpectedly introduced into the presence of the Emperor, who wished to give him a letter for myself. When the Emperor asked what his message was, and received the answer ' to demand...
Page 604 - The President of the Republic is elected, by a majority of votes, by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, united in National Assembly. He is nominated for seven years, and is eligible for re-election.