David Balfour, Volume 2

Front Cover
C. Scribner's sons, 1905 - Children's literature - 391 pages
The sequel to Kidnapped, written after an interval of six years, marks, as is pointed out in the chapter on the former work, a notable development of Stevenson's powers. In Kidnapped the Appin murder is a mere ghmpse ; in Catriona the story is deeply involved with the trial which followed it and with the personages which figured in this piece of the aftermath of the '45 in the Highlands. It is historical in a much larger measure and closer relation than the tale of which it is the continuation ; it depends so much less on the element of excitement, and so much more on its drawings of people, that the two scarcely make a homogeneous work

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Page 33 - The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell consists in the guilt of Adam's first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called Original Sin ; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.
Page xiv - Highland gentleman banished after the '45, and now engaged in smuggling rents from his clansmen, the Appin Stewarts, to their chief Ardshiel, living in exile in France. Hoseason and his crew, learning that Alan had gold about him, conspired to rob and murder him ; but David, being made privy to the plot, put Alan on his guard and promised to stand by him.
Page x - Bass. So, perhaps, his eye shall be opened to behold the series of the generations, and he shall weigh with surprise his momentous and nugatory gift of life. You are still — as when first I saw, as when I last addressed you — in the venerable city which I must always think of as my home. And I have come so far; and the sights and thoughts of my youth pursue me ; and I see like a vision the youth of my father, and of his father, and the whole stream of lives flowing down there far in the north,...
Page 173 - ... and his guid resolves depairtit. In thir days, dwalled upon the Bass a man of God, Peden the Prophet was his name. Yell have heard tell of Prophet Peden. There was never the wale of him sinsyne, and it's a question wi mony if there ever was his like afore.

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