The Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez and DecolonisationTable of Contents Preface xi Abbreviations xv Introduction: Suez and Decolonization: Scrambling out of Africa and Asia 1 The Legacy of European Colonialism The Colonial Empires in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries 35 The Scramble for Africa and the Congo The Scramble for Africa: Sir Percy Anderson's Grand Strategy 51 The Berlin Congo Conference and the (Non- ) Partition of Africa, 1884-85 75 Roger Casement and the Congo 127 E.D. Morel and the Triumph of the Congo Reform Association 153 The First World War and the Origins of the Mandates System Australia and the German Colonies in the Pacific during the First World War 185 The Repartition of Africa during the First World War 205 The United States and the Colonial Settlement of 1919 225 The Beginning of the Mandates System of the League of Nations 251 The British and the French Colonial Empire: Trusteeship and Self-Interest 279 Singapore and Hong Kong The Road to the Fall of Singapore, 1942: British Imperialism in East Asia in the 1930s 293 Hong Kong: The Critical Phase, 1945-49 339 India, Palestine, and Egypt The Governing Intellect: L.S. Amery, the British Empire, and Indian Independence 381 The Partitions of India andPalestine 391 Taking the Plunge into Indian Independence 411 The End of the Palestine Mandate 419 Decolonization The Imperialism of Decolonization 451 Libya: The Creation of a Client State 503 The Coming of Independence in the Sudan 529 Taxing Transfers of Power in Africa 553 The Dissolution of the British Empire in the Era of Vietnam 557 Suez American Anti-Colonialism, Suez, and the Special Relationship 589 Prelude to Suez: Churchill and Egypt 609 A Prima Donna with Honour: Eden and Suez 627 An American Volcano in the Middle East: John Foster Dulles and the Suez Crisis 639 The United Nations and the Suez Crisis: British Ambivalence towards the Pope on the East River 665 Public Enemy Number One: Britain and the United Nations in the Aftermath of Suez 689 The Middle East Musaddiq, Oil, and the Dilemmas of British Imperialism 727 The Middle East Crisis of 1958 789 The Origins of the Iraqi Revolution 849 The Withdrawal from the Gulf 877 Historiography Robinson and Gallagher and Their Critics 907 The Historiography of the British Empire 955 The Pax Americana: Sir Keith Hancock, the British Empire, and American Expansion 999 Index 1029. |