Letter of the Hon. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, U.S. Senator,: In Answer to an Invitation from a Committee Appointed by a Convention of the Democratic Republican Electors of the City of New York, to Deliver an Oration at the Celebration of the Sixty-fourth Anniversary of the Independence of the United States, Issues 1-48Whig Party (U.S.). Massachusetts. Suffolk Co, Benjamin Chaplin Pressley, Boston (Mass.). Webster Meetings (July, 1852), Charles Hudson, Colin Macrae Ingersoll, Cornelius Peter Van Ness, Daniel Webster, Dudley Marvin, George Wood, Gilbert Dean, Harry Hibbard, James Buchanan, John Caldwell Calhoun, Marcus Morton, Muscoe Russell Hunter Garnett, Neilson Poe, Robert Augustus Toombs, Samuel Dickinson Burchard, Stephen Arnold Douglas, William John Grayson, Zachary Taylor |