Handsome is that Handsome Does

Front Cover
Lee & Shepard, 1869 - Christian life - 323 pages

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Page 155 - I chatter, chatter, as I flow To join the brimming river; For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever.
Page 5 - Now ready : 1. Birds of a Feather. 2. Fine Feathers do not Make Fine Birds. 3. Handsome is that Handsome does.
Page 65 - I will take away the heart of stone, and give them a heart of flesh.
Page 106 - ... why should I dwell upon these, save that here was new and additional bewilderment? I partook by inheritance from my mother's and father's people of two denominations. When from stark Presbyterianism I went at times to a more mitigated Episcopalianism; when I confessed strangely, but sonorously, that I was a miserable sinner and had no health in me...
Page 137 - ... to keep out of her way as much as possible ; and when Victorine, whose will was stronger than her reason, insisted upon coming where she was, Maddy's pet names for her were " Crosspatch," " Stupid," " Marplot," " Dunce-cap,
Page 157 - Just as she had arrived at this conclusion, she came to the...

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