A Gossip's Story: And a Legendary Tale

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T.N. Longman, 1797 - English fiction

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Page iii - Nor peace nor ease the heart can know, Which, like the needle true, Turns at the touch of joy or woe, But, turning, trembles too.
Page 132 - Whofe blood and judgment are fo well commingled That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger, '' To found what flop fhe pleafe. Give me the man, That is not paflion's (lave, and I will wear him In my heart's core — ay, in my heart of heart, As I do thec.
Page 93 - Perhaps, my love," replied Mr. Dudley, " you will alter your opinion when you have heard what I am going to tell you. I have not entirely depended upon Mr. Pelham's very prepofleffing countenance, nor the amiable urbanity of his manners, in forming a favourable opinion of his intrinfick worth. I have taken the liberty Lady Milton propofed, and have made repeated inquiries refpecting his character.
Page 49 - It tells tells us that man is as variable as the world he inhabits, that imperfections mingle with the virtues of the beft; and by the fine idea of a ftate of warfare, urges us to conftant circumfpection and unwearied attention.
Page 48 - The moft enthufiaftick imagination ' could hardly afibciate paftoral ideas with the neglected wildnefs of Seatondell, could fuppofe it peopled by Naids and Dryads, or fancy that Pan ever awoke its echoes with his tabor and pipe, while Cynthia and her maids of honour danced cotillions.
Page 226 - ... poetry, walking in the woods by moonlight, and listening to distant water-falls. She kept a journal of the events of the day, and every morning dispatched two sheets of paper, closely written, to her beloved Eliza. If any sceptical critic should censure this as a violation of probability...
Page 95 - He does not love me, at leaft not with that ardent affection, that deference, that affiduous timidity — But you fmile, Sir.
Page 25 - ... marries a man whofe character can in fome degree be afcertained, by his having been for fome time under his own guidance. You who are formed to fulfil the retired, but not lefs important duties of life, can always be properly eftimated while under the paternal wing; the attentive, fubmiffive daughter, will make a tender, obliging wife ; the retired, amiable maid, will form the prudent, domeftick matron. But the manners of the man cannot be fo well determined by the virtues of the youth; particularly...

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