Spectacles for Young Eyes: Rome

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Walker, Fuller,, 1866 - Brothers and sisters - 194 pages

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Page 113 - Columbaria, so called from the rows of little niches, resembling the holes in a modern pigeon-house, which contained the urns in which the ashes of the dead were deposited.
Page 104 - It is not alone from the dampness that we suffer, but from exhalations from the soil of the Campagna, which is partly of marine and partly of volcanic formation.
Page 138 - ... written, that three hundred years ago the monk Urban had disappeared, and no one knew whither he had gone. " Ah, bird of the forest, was it then thy song ?" said the monk Urban, with a sigh. " I followed thee for scarce three minutes, listening to thy notes, and yet three hundred years have passed away ! Thou hast sung to me the song of eternity, which I could never before learn. Now I know it ; and, dust myself, I pray to God kneeling in the dust.

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