Notes on Scriveners' "Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament," 3rd Edition |
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Abbot add Facsimile add ff Apoc Beza Beza's Bianchini Bible Bibliotheca Sacra bicolumnar Birch Burgon capp Catalogue catena Cath codex collated commentary contains Crit cursive Delitzsch edition Epistles error Evan Evang Evst EZRA ABBOT facs Gardthausen Gospels Greek Testament Griesbach insert ff John JOSEPH HENRY THAYER last line later hand Latin Library line 13 line 17 line 9 Luke manuscripts margin Mark Martianay Matt Matthaei memoranda Montf N. T. Gr Note ¹ olim Palaeographie Paul Pauline Epistles Pauline Epp Peshitto pict Professor prol Prolegomena to Tischendorf Quadr Reiche Reise Sabas saec scholia Scholz Scrivener Scrivener's Silvestre stichometrically synaxarion Thess uncial verses viii Vitali in Blanchinus Wetst Wetstein ἐν καὶ κεφ Κυριακῇ στίχ στίχοι τὴν τῆς τοῦ دو