The Effects of Thinning and Similar Stand Treatments on Fire Behavior in Western ForestsU.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 1999 - Forest fires - 27 pages |
Common terms and phrases
base height ft bulk density lb/ft canopy coarse woody debris conifer crown base height crown bulk densities crown fire behavior crown fire potential crown fire spread Crown length ft Crown thinning cubic foot Department of Agriculture Depending dominant and codominant Dougl Douglas-fir feet per minute fire intensities fire spread rate flame length Forest Service forest type free thinning fuel loads fuel model fuel moisture grand fir individual tree selection intermediate and suppressed intermediate treatments ladder fuels low thinning McCool Mean height ft midflame wind speeds moisture content nutrient Nyland overstory pine and western ponderosa pine pound per cubic precommercial thinnings prescribed fire reducing crown fire regeneration methods remove trees Rothermel 1983 Selection thinning silvicultural species composition stand containing stands dominated structures and compositions surface fires thinned stands Total trees tree selection system trees per acre U.S. Department western hemlock western larch western redcedar western white pine white fir wildfire wildlife